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Religion of Wednesday, 17 March 2010


A Course In Miracles: Realities

No meaning that comes from outside us is real. Nothing real can be threatened; nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. The crux of the Course is the relinquishment of fear and the acceptance of love. As this process of mental realignment works within the individual, it spreads through him to revitalize the lives of those around him.

Whatever I think is going on in the world is going on only in my mind. Many other aspects of myself, Those of me of different colour, race, economic status, location, creed, sex, build, etc. seem to agree with me – well, its my dream, right? I can have it any way I choose, unless of course I am so unconscious that I am not in control of my dreams.

I notice, just for the sake of drama, my dream includes those who appear to disagree with me. I call them Banksters. No good dream is without the ‘bad guys’, eh? Take a look at what is going on in my dream: 95% of the wealth is held by 5% of the people, so at age 65: 1% are wealthy 4% can retire 29% are dead 63% are on SSA/ CP or charity You can see where this makes my ego want to blame the PTB for making miserable, most of the other aspects of myself in this world. The problem with blame is that I thereby make it real. If I think someone is trying to hurt me, this is indicative of my belief that I deserve punishment.

Since I now fully understand that I do not and I do energy work daily to release our ancient belief in guilt, I notice that where my now much more-peaceful mind takes me is into actions which benefit all of us – even the black hearts. They also will ultimately be better off when the rest of us wake up.

I intend not to fight them or even to make them particularly miserable; my intention is to do what works for me and any other aspect of myself who happens to know that resistance only causes the persistence of a situation. It gives it energy. I use my energy to get what I want, not to stop anyone else from having what my ego doesn’t want them to have.

As with everything else, our chances of becoming wealthy are always 50/50 – either we will or we won’t, however, the odds of the gov’t confiscating it increase daily. So, among the solutions to this are: 1. Give up 2. Work ‘harder’ 3. Find a better way, i.e.: change my mind about the whole thing.

Only the last one affords us any freedom. Digging in the same hole will only get us deeper. We must make a lateral move and look somewhere other than at what the PTB tell us to do which is to ‘work’ longer / harder, invest astutely, and take a chance on the lottery.

Each of these alleged solutions only keeps us chasing after ‘nothing’. It will not get us what we want. People are desperate to ‘make money’. What does this tell you? The FEAR surrounding $$$ is the best indication that we are barking up the wrong tree.

All I ask is a chance to prove that money won’t make me happy. – Ashleigh Brilliant

If women truly want to work – and I’ve met four who do – then this becomes a case of their doing what they want to do. If they don’t want to work and are doing so solely for the $$$, they need to understand that this is an effort in futility. They will have much of it confiscated in one form or another; they will be denying themselves time to do what they want to do; they will become a number on the federal books; and most important, they are believing that the solution to the problem of ‘not enough money’ is to get more money. It is not.

The solution to the problem of ‘not enough money’ is to learn that there is no money and going after something which not only doesn’t exist but also is digging them into an even greater hole, is at best, bandaid solution and at worst, literally ignoring the cause.

Remembering that cause and effect are always reversed from what our egos believe, the idea is to get rid of our alleged money. I know this sounds anathema to most people but if $$$ represents debt, why would we want it? Anything we think we are ‘buying’ with it doesn’t belong to us because how can we own anything for which we did not give value. Those of you who are proud of yourselves that you have worked hard all your lives and can now admit to living in a house that is ‘paid off’ and driving a car which is ‘paid for’, and have enough $$$ for retirement due to wise investing, are in for a big surprise. All you have done during those years of labour and slick investing is moved from steerage up to first class on the Titanic. The system is about to collapse. Having more of ‘nothing’ than everyone else still leaves you with ... nothing. Have you ever been playing a game of Monopoly®™ and part way through the game you realize that there is no way you can win: your opponent owns most of the good properties, you own most of the cheap properties and there are no properties, utilities, or railroads left to buy. Racing your car across the yellow/red and green/blue sides of the board is like going through a mine field. You know you’ll never make it without landing on something with a hotel and 3 houses.

You look at your available cash, the chances of getting to ‘GO’ for a measly $200, and yet another trip around the board, the odds of your opponent landing on your hardly built-up properties, and decide to throw in the towel. Is this just being a sore loser? – a quitter? Or is this wisdom? Why not concede?

Why suffer any further indignities? What is the gain in playing until completely bankrupt? Why waste any more time? Why not play ... something else?

The IBs’ Commerce Game is a game only they can win. The Banksters can not lose; they have forced everyone to play and they have forced everyone into a debt from which we cannot escape. US/CA, as a bankrupt corporation, is owned completely by its creditors – the Bankers. They own all levels of the media, government, education, religion, everything; if you have a birth certificate, they own you too.

They control every transaction; they control what is going on in the world; they even control the puppet whom the world blames for the terror and threat of war – GW. Do you like the results of this control? Are you enjoying the game? The only way to win the Commerce Game is not to play. We were never meant to operate in commerce; they tricked us into it and for their benefit. Isn’t there something we’d rather be doing?

What do banks do with this credit which we created with our signing of promises to pay? They lend it. Banks are not permitted to lend their money or their assets; they are allowed to lend only credit – credit which WE created. So, it is only liability which is being spread around with the added liability of interest attached to it each time it is used to ‘pay’ someone. Banks now charge a service fee for any and all transactions and most recipients still declare the liability as, and pay tax on, the income.

The value of the note is thus diminished each time. Hence, we have inflation. When I ostensibly ‘pay’ you $50 for a service you provided me, since I am paying you with funds which were borrowed into existence, and now have interest attached to it, how can it ever get paid? From whence comes the interest to pay when the interest has yet to be borrowed into existence.

If I borrow your car, how can I bring back more of your car than I borrowed? It doesn’t exist. Every transaction gets us further into a debt which does NOT exist, except in the minds of the Banksters.

The only way for us to win is not to play. Earning and/or using the Bankster’s notes is tantamount to the alcoholic's drinking to obliterate his stark realization of his horrible circumstances created by his drinking. Talk about a downward spiral! There is no recovery unless one simply stops drinking, i.e.: gets OUT of the Commerce Game. We can NOT win by accumulating more of what is impoverishing us. But how can one opt out?

What is vastly more important than this alleged debt from which we can never escape, are the emotional and spiritual repercussions of the circumstances created by this vicious cycle, which are intentional, by the way. What better way to control people than to impoverish them? Only one way – keep them in FEAR over poverty.

Herein lies a seeming dilemma. How can we exempt ourselves from a game which everyone is playing? To think that we will be farther ahead “if we just had more money” is pure folly. Many take on second and third jobs in order to ‘make more money’. They are just taking another drink. They are snow-ploughing the problem which removes them only farther from recovery.

We might have to bear the pain of withdrawal, but think of the freedom if we can survive it! We might have to apply the 12-step program and simply have faith that the energy of our Creator will direct us if we will only remove our souls from the addiction which is causing our sense of powerlessness.

We must intend for our freedom from our attachment to the belief that ‘money’ will keep us safe. It will not. It is keeping us dependent and, like alcohol to the addict, making our situation worse as each day passes. We might have to quit our jobs in order to remove ourselves from confiscatory taxation, from the belief that there will be a pension when we retire, from the hope that if we get sick our ‘health benefits package’ or the ‘National Health will kick in.

How might we feel if we became totally dependent upon ourselves, each other, and our Creator which has revealed in no uncertain terms that we will not perish if we apply the energy of faith into the concept of ‘our needs will be met’. We must develop the faith of our Creator; not faith in our Creator, but the faith of our Creator.

What if God intended to do something and then wondered whether it would work or not? – Dennis Krum. We can not find safety and security in something that does not exist. There is no money. Many ‘New Age’ people talk about there being “enough money for everyone’. I want to tell them: Of what you think as ‘money’ there is only $263 billion US in circulation.

Considering Bill Gates alone is worth $46 billion (or so), much of it is off-shore, much of it is unaccountable because of its entanglement with the drug trade, and still millions are out there under mattresses, etc. leaves only a maximum of about $700 per living soul, $1,400 if you want to count only adults. So, there is NOT enough ‘money’ for everyone. What there is, is credit and that amount is unlimited. One woman lamented that she and her husband had been $30,000 in debt. She quickly qualified that as “not cash that we handed over; it was credit card debt”. This alleged ‘credit card debt’ does not exist. It is ‘credit’, not debt’; the secret of this is revealed in its name – ‘credit card’ as opposed to ‘debt card’. She is under the misconception that she ‘borrowed’ credit when in fact she ‘created’ it and the bank extended to her only a fraction of that which she created with her own signature. She does not ‘owe’ credit card debt; there is nothing to re-pay. It is all EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). The bank never gave her anything. Who among us will step out of the belief, “the more money I have, the safer I will be? Who will quit the corporate career which keeps the average man enslaved for a lifetime of labour for barely enough to get by. There is no power in continuing this. Upon our death beds, will we wonder why we kept doing what we did? I imagine meeting my Creator and being asked, “So why didn’t you do what you wanted to do?” There is no acceptable response to this. What, ..“fear”? My Creator laughs and asks, “Didn’t you believe me when I told you that I would provide for you ... that you had nothing to fear ... that you are an extension of me and so you have access to my power? What could possibly have frightened you?” “I was told I had to work for a living; I had to justify my existence; I had to do something useful; I had to prove my worth, the Protestant Work Ethic ...” – blah, blah, blah.

The Creator just laughs, “Why would you listen to the propaganda of those who would take your power from you, who would frighten and intimidate you, who would enslave you, when you could have chosen to recall what I promised you, which would have granted you peace?” What’s to say?

So, we must begin to work for each other. I must do for you what I know best to do – my talent bestowed upon me by my Creator – what I love to do. Isn’t this what I ought to be doing? Will you do for another what you love to do? Will this feel like ‘work’? No. Will your friend do for me what I want done and yet am not particularly good at doing? Will he be happy to do this for me? You bet.

Are we not our happiest when we serve ourselves through serving others? If indeed ‘we are all one’, won’t I see that doing for another living soul is the same as serving me? Whom are we charging and how much and for what? Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.

Will I, somewhere along my path of doing what I want to do, just happen to notice that I am no longer serving a major corporation, but rather my fellow living souls? Corporations, by definition, do not exist. They are legal fictions. The purpose for their alleged existence is for their limited liability and that of the living souls who operate them.

The ‘law’ does not go after an entity who ‘owns’ nothing. Corporations have nothing to give. You can’t get blood from a stone. Now you see why the wealthiest in the world ‘own nothing yet control everything’. We ought to take a lesson.

We ought to stop wanting to own things, since we can’t anyway because we do not have legal title to the things we think we own; we have only equitable title. We are allowed to ‘use’ that which the state allows us to use. This includes our bodies. We can not ‘own’ anything for which we haven’t ‘paid’ or for which we have relinquished title, e.g.: our bodies via the birth registration.

Since we have nothing with which to pay, we ‘own’ nothing – unless – we use asset funds to ‘pay’ for legal title. Unfortunately, unless we have handled our commercial affairs properly, we also can not ‘control’ anything. We must take back our lives and do what we want to do before we will be forced to do what corporate entities want us to do and for less than we’re getting now. We must put our commercial affairs in order. We must get OUT of the Commerce Game and get used to the idea of ‘service’. As an interim part of getting there, for those of us who can’t make the leap, we can and are doing ‘exchanges’.

We can exchange’ time, our talent, our labour, or some other commodity upon which we agree. This is commonly known as ‘barter’ and yet, it still involves accounting of which we will ultimately have to let go – rather like going from alcohol to candy – eventually, we have to clear the anxiety which is behind the addiction since it is ‘fear’ which keeps us chasing $$$. We will have arrived when we can admit, ‘I do for you what I do and you do for me what you do’. That’s it – just the joy of doing what we know we were meant to do. Since I have been doing what I want to do I have never been happier and I have received more, in ways I could never have anticipated, than I ever have. My analogy is that the Commerce Game is tantamount to the Nightmare; not so ruthless is Barter/Exchange; this will transform the nightmare into a pleasant dream. Yet, pleasant or not, a dream means we are still asleep. So barter/ exchange/ pleasant dream still means we haven’t made the quantum leap to service and doing what we love to do which is tantamount to Waking UP! I wonder if we can skip the interim step.

Maybe, as Ian Lungold ( suggests, we are being watched by others from an alternate dimension (time or space) in the same manner as one might watch a sporting event – empathizing with those who err and cheering on the winners, all the while knowing that none of it matters because its only a game. Lungold suggests that when we take a stand and do what we know to be ethical, energy from the collective unconscious (those cheering us on) allows us to succeed. Our ethical choices begin an upward spiral for getting the results which our true selves intend for us. It is the shift from fear which creates the vacuum for these results to show up – creating the space to have it be the way we want it. Wouldn’t you just hate to find yourself in the ‘after death dimension’ and have your Creator ask, “Why did you do what you knew was unethical? Why did you breach your integrity?” Eeeeewwww.