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Opinions of Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Columnist: Kweku Ampong

Kwabena Duffuor will better handle the current dire economic situation than John Mahama

Dr. Kwabena Duffuor Dr. Kwabena Duffuor

The National Chairman of NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketiah during a meeting with UK branch of the party made an emphatic statement that 2024 elections will exclusively debate on the economy. Many are those in the NDC who hold similar views due to the prevailing economic situation of the country and what largely pre-occupy the minds of average Ghanaian voter and perhaps the person who possibly has the solution to salvage the country from further deterioration.

Indeed, the National Chairman and other apostles such as the General Secretary, Fifi Fiavi Kwetey who believe that economy will dominate the campaign atmosphere are not far from the truth because the current economic woes is worrying for every concern citizen, industry and public sector workers who are bearing the brunt of the economic recession.

In view of the foregoing, delegates of the NDC must endeavor to make a choice that reflects the expectation of Ghanaians, so the party does not suffer another humiliating defeat in 2024 and keep us in perpetual opposition. The crisis requires the NDC to present a candidate who has the competence and experience to fix the economy and Dr. Kwabena Duffuor has demonstrated that impressive capacity. Under him as finance minister, the economy recorded single digit inflation for four years and witnessed construction of outstanding legacy projects in many parts of the country with less borrowing.

Despite his impeccable knowledge in economics, he is humble and God fearing. Many are those who consider him a paragon with avalanche of undepleted wisdom. He is blessed with sophisticated amulets of experience necessary for recovery of our dire economic situation.

The country is in unprecedented situation of bankruptcy, normal rules no longer apply. At this point, quality and experience leadership is required to put back on track. We cannot resort to the usual candidate in such unusual times. “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way” as said by John C. Maxwell.

Delegates of the party must humbly vote one who has the trust of Ghanaians in economic management, a candidate who himself has the capacity to create the Ghana we all want. It is obvious Ghanaians have confidence in Dr. Kwabena Duffuor because his background motivates and inspires that hope of optimism and possibility.

I am therefore appealing to party executives, opinion leaders, party operatives, party members, comrades, brothers and sisters to lend Dr. Kwabena Duffuor their maximum supports to lead the party to victory.