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Sports News of Wednesday, 26 August 2020


You can’t compare ‘guru’ Nyantakyi to Kurt Okraku – Palmer

Former GFA President Kwesi Nyantakyi has been praised as a football administrative colossus whose knowledge of the game is comparable to none in the country.

In the wisdom of Osei Kwaku Palmer, Nyantakyi’s understanding of the football game is unparalleled and can’t be put in the same bracket as any of the current figures in charge of Ghana football.

He remarked that it will be a mismatch to compare Kurt Okraku to Nyantakyi as the latter has vast experience and expertise on football issues.

He subtly jabbed the current Executive Council members, stating that Nyantakyi alone is worth ten of them.

“I’m not bragging but Nyantakyi alone is equivalent to ten. The quality of any Exco meeting is by the leader. You can’t compare Kurt to Kwesi Nyantakyi”.

“Whoever was going to replace Nyantakyi was going to have a hectic time because when you take over from a colossus like Kwesi, you have to be mindful of so many things”, he said.

Kwesi Nyantakyi served as GFA President for thirteen years and left power in a controversial and embarrassing manner.

Nyantakyi was caught on tape engaging in acts that have landed him charges of fraud and conspiracy to commit crime.

After a period of normalization, members of the GFA elected Kurt Okraku to lead the association and revive the football industry in the country.