Opinions of Saturday, 29 March 2014

Columnist: Sarpong, Justice

Yahya Jammeh Of Gambia, Modern Day Kwame Nkrumah

Financial Analyst Sydney Casely-Hayford got walloped for saying that Nkrumah’s overthrow was a good thing. According to Mr Sydney Casely-Hayford, he Nkrumah

“… had amended the Constitution in such a way that he was the only person who could ever become president. We can’t have that. Something had to give and he had to go some way. One way or the other,” he said.

According to Mr Casely-Hayford, “it would have been nice if we could have voted him out but we couldn’t even vote. So it wasn’t happening.”

“You only voted when Nkrumah said there was going to be a vote so that one [overthrow], I don’t have a problem with it.”

Well done Casely, let these sycophantic Nkrumah blabbermouths continue to hew and haw, unless they can tell us how we could have voted this Dictator out under his one party life President idiocy, the only thing these hypocrites can do is to insult others who agree Nkrumah was legitimately overthrown.

Ghanaians averted the situation as happened in Congo Kinshasha when Mobutu took a play from Nkrumaism playbook and plunged his country into an abyss that Condolese are still trying to recover from.

What about another Nkrumah protege in Zimbabwe who studied Nkrumaism at the Nkrumah brain washing institute at Winneba. Now look at what Mugabe has done to Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodeshia that used to be the second best country after South Africa in sub sahara Africa?

We have a proverb in Akan that goes like this; "SE WONIM OWUO A, HWE NA", If you want to know how death is, compare it to sleep.

From 1963 onwards, after Nkrumah has spent the fortune given to him in 1957, all economic indicators that show how well a country is doing started showing negative economic growth and even essential commodities like soap and milk became scarce and people have to que in line for all essential commodities.

For all those who think Dictatorship was good for Ghana then, I find it hypocritical for them to condemn Yahya Jammeh of Gambia who is treating Gambians like animals because he believe he knows what is better for Gambians and should be allowed to dictate to them.

I don't even believe any leader should be removed based on his or her economic performance as long as voters can exercise their rights every four years as our constitution stipulates but the moment one makes himself President for life and ban all other opposition political parties, then the constitution under which such President was elected becomes null and void and any means possible should be instituted to remove him or her and that is exactly what happened in Feb. 24, 1966.

Nkrumah created that environment for Kotoka, Harlley, Deku and Afrifah to remove him, I shed no tears for him.

Now let me create a scenerio for those Nkrumah acolytes to chomp on and tell me if they would have accepted this scenerion.

Let's assume President Kuffour thought he was a good President and his economic model was working good for the country in 2008 and therefore any leadership change will wreck the economy then and declare himself President for life and ban NDC and all other political parties and started arresting the leaders of NDC and other political parties, would those Nkrumah pompom wavers who have found a home in NDC Party agree to that?

Now let those singing Nkrumah praises justify his one Party rule and President for life Quixotic experiment justify his regime.

Justice Sarpong


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