Opinions of Sunday, 27 August 2017

Columnist: Kobina Ansah

Welcome greatness; welcome nonsense!

Kobina Ansah Kobina Ansah

Sugar attracts ants. Food attracts houseflies. Greatness attracts nonsense!

Everyone wants to be great. However, only a few really know what they are asking for. Many have little or no idea that the higher you climb, the hotter it becomes. The greater you become, the greater the nonsense you also attract.

The rumors. The lies. The ill perceptions. The insults. All of these come with being at the top. Until you reach the top, lies and rumors don’t really look good on you. No one pelts a stone at a fruitless tree. No one wastes their energy on a wasted tree.

As long as you keep bearing fruits, stones will be hurled at you. As far as you keep achieving with your hands what others could only perceive with their minds, the destructive criticisms are not going to subside yet. The petty gossips are not waning any soon. Brace yourself up!

Greatness and nonsense walk hand in hand. Like a magnet, the former always attracts the latter. Nonsense will always come chasing you when you wear greatness. No one talks about the man on the street until he attains some incredible feat. Backlashes are severest when you’re trying to be your best!

It is only when you are striving to achieve your ambitions that you get your worse opposition. Thing is, every position comes with opposition; the greater that position, the greater the opposition. The higher you climb, the higher your distractions climb along.

Every dream comes with many distractions. Those who doubt you will further resist you when you seem to be making headway. Others will jab you with finely decorated insults here and there. A lot more others will spread self-concocted rumors to spice up your headaches.

When you have all these come your way, always remember they are a part of the package of greatness. No one wastes their breath on what deserves not their attention. If others are spending all their existence to pull you down, know that you’re above them. We only pull down things above us, not otherwise!

Should you dream to do great things, the first term and condition you must agree to is to not budge when all the nonsense starts coming. If you dare to be any extraordinary, be prepared to face the wrath of the ordinary. Greatness comes with nonsense!

If you dare not find comfort in mediocrity, brace yourself up for opposition from the mediocre. Should you strive to move from the bottom of life, those there would still strive to pull you to their level. Others will resist you for the mere fact that you are only a mirror of their wishes. Certainly yes!

Many think it’s all rosy at the top. They assume the top is the place for rest. Uncomfortable truth is, rest only comes after death. The criticisms and ridicule only stop when one stops breathing. If you can’t take opposition at the bottom of life, you’re just not cut for the top where that same opposition is magnified.

It’s rosy nowhere; neither at the top nor bottom. Gird your loins for a lot of nonsense if you desire to be great someday. Be prepared for a lot of unwholesome rumors and gossips. Be prepared to hear others tell you what did that you have no idea about. Be certain to hear them spell out why you seemingly do what you do. Be ready to hear lies of all colors!

A great mess always accompanies greatness. If you order a meal of greatness, don’t forget it comes with a price tag of unbudgeted nonsense. This nonsense is always part of the greatness package. You must contain it. For others to get your attention, they would try to jab you with nonsense. There’s no need to respond to them.

The more exposed we get to light, the more exposed we get to darkness. When all the harsh comments and thoughts stream your way, just nod them away. No matter how hard it may seem, some things are always best said when unsaid.

Wherever you see greatness, you’ll find some good nonsense lurking around. When you sign up for greatness, always remember the password is “I AM READY TO TAKE NONSENSE!” To be at the top, you need some good sense to take some good nonsense!

Those in the mud can only get you mad when they jab you with some mud. However, you can get them madder if you just walk away. Lies may look good on the great. However, insults mean nothing to the man who is already at the bottom of life.

You want to be an achiever? You wish to walk in the corridors of power? You want to really be great? A lot of nonsense will come your way. It comes with extraordinariness. I guess you are ready not to be distracted.

If you open your door for greatness to enter, nonsense will follow. I have signed up for greatness. However, no nonsense can ever get the least of my attention!

The writer is a playwright and Chief Scribe of Scribe Communications ( www.scribecommltd.com ). His new play, TRIBELESS, is on Sept. 16/17 at the Drama Studio, Legon.