Opinions of Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Columnist: Nyaku, Efanam Komla

United cadres’ front react to Christian council of Ghana

In the matter of policy statement on same-sex marriage: United cadres’ front react to Christian council of Ghana

The United Cadres’ Front (UCF) wish to react to the call by the Christian Council of Ghana (C.C.G) on the President to make a Policy Statement on same-sex marriage as legalized in the United States of America lately.
We are dumb-founded as to the foundation on which the President is to stand on and make the statement they are demanding of him. The United States is a sovereign state which feels it is right for them to declare SAME-SEX companionship.

How does Ghana come in this declaration and warrants a Policy Statement as is being demanded from the President? The C.C.G made reference to the late President Mills’ position on a similar issue. It has forgotten the British Prime Minister made a statement that any state that discriminate against homosexuals will not be economically/financially supported by the British Government.
This statement was a specific threat to developing countries and especially Africa where the practice is largely abhorred and sometimes reacted to violently. The late President then made a statement and condemned the threat – and told the British to keep their so-called support – GHANA will NOT allow that evil in her midst.
The UCF will like to know from the Christian Council of Ghana, the premise on which the President is to make a Policy Statement on a sovereign state Supreme Court’s declaration of an act as a RIGHT to its citizens? The declaration did not go out of its way to weave-on other sovereign states to abide by it or face sanctions. How does our President feature in this which warrants a policy statement as being demanded by the C.C.G?
Meanwhile, the Christian Council of Ghana, must be reminded that President Mills’ Policy Statement on same-sex marriage was not a personal one and had no time limitation. It was a statement he made on behalf of the sovereign Government of Ghana and the ruling National Democratic Congress and it remains as such until otherwise stated.
We, of the United Cadres’ Front, see this latest call as one of the needless harassment of the current political leadership of the country, led by the President of the republic. The Christian Council of Ghana ought to tell Ghanaians why the President should make a policy statement on America’s right to make declarations on a right she feels is good for her. Christian Council of Ghana – come again!
Efanam Komla Nyaku Felix – July 14, 2015
(General Secretary)