Opinions of Monday, 31 October 2011

Columnist: Asigri, Daniel Zanyeya

Time for NDC electorates to hear us

“...Time for NDC electorates to hear us... “ (2)

In a Feature Article as of recent some aspects of a qualitative study report of mine was depicted, of which I believe made interesting reading to NDC faithfuls! Perhaps in hindsight the researcher could be held to ransom psychologically by some of the researched participants in the study should I fail to let their voices to be heard; which of course could see the principles of social justice as enshrined within the philosophy of our great NDC being blurred!

Further to the data obtained from the study, thanks to all the participants and it has been reiterated that all the ideas gathered would remain anonymous which include:

That of a retired policeman in Bawku West District (Upper East Region) eloquently said; “...there are still lots of work for our NDC government to do before the next election but the thing is this, when you have lots of police sergeants in the system with few privates doing nothing you are going to have plenty, plenty, and plenty of problems. I am told sir that you the person doing this research is a bookman so I trust you to think seriously about what I have to say. You see, we have many DCEs and some Ministers driving around, doing nothing ...only eating our money and looking after their direct family members...emmm...blood is thicker than water anyway. President Mills should find another way of appointing DCEs. He should stop picking up DCEs like beans mixed with late millet on the farm. It is better for us to vote to elect our DCEs and the best would be picked, period! Some are really too bossy with big stomachs. We voted for our NDC MP here in Zebilla; but look at what happened when President Mills chose him as Minister of Interior. He caused a lot of troubles and interfered with tribal problems especially in Bawku and all over the place here which has made many of us very unhappy with things. Some of us even cannot look straight into the faces of good friends and families from different tribes. Look sir...em...you go to a pito bazaar to drink and on seeing a friend from a different tribe...you can’t drink your pito...you choke...too terrible and too bad...so... I had been in the police force for many years with other policemen and women from different tribes, no problems at all with anybody till I retired, but I tell you sir, my sister is married to a Bisa with nice parents - that kind of thing actually spoilt the good name of President Mills and the NDC. Although our MP is trying his best things are hard, really hard but no one trusts him again as before...anyway ... I am an ex-policeman so I can’t say anything else but... eh...for next election, it is no good... woh, oh, oh... going to be tough here...NDC must try hard to bring JJ down here. If JJ doesn’t come as he did last time I think ‘Nde’ that PNC man or which party... or where he is now...ehh...he will win here. For ‘Nde’ ...we can’t understand him too. Master, so many bad things are being said here about the party and some of his ministers. Some are saying that his ministers and all those big men are not good...em only looting the money. They call them ‘Team E’ Ministers...ah, all sorts of things...let me ask you this question...is NDC party playing soccer match against Burkina Fasso football team or what...why this team ‘A’, team’ B’ palava...what kan tin bi dis, sir?”
A participant in Builsa (a male undergraduate student) spoke candidly about existing and emerging dichotomies within the NDC Gurus both men and women and said; “...NDC must behave herself from now that I am talking to you on my mobile. You know what ...It would have been nice to have met you in person ...I mean face to face so I can express how I feel about NDC today to you but...I can see that you like the party and there is a lot to talk about but your telephone bill will cost you a fortune... the party must wake up now instead of waiting till next year...time is too short”
Speaking to a female (teacher) in Nangodi who sounded very furious, said,”...we are really angry with President Mills...look Moses Asaga is a very clever politician and knows his job too. That Mills man just ordered him to leave, just like that. Our chiefs and many important people called on him to reconsider his decision but he refused. Look, I know what is going to happen here on the next voting day...we might hand over the constituency to NPP. I am telling you... President Mills must wake up from his snores...and relook at all those in government before it is too late for us...some people did the dirty job during the campaign whilst others are now enjoying themselves...let them enjoy. Sir, have you heard of the popular saying in Ghana that ...monkey de work...bamboo de chop...that is what’s happening in Mills’ government and the voters here are very angry with NDC for that...I hope they don’t carry their anger with them to the polling booth on the election day...I pray”
During the process of pursuing this telephone study with some of the participants within the Garu/Tempane District I became wary of the researcher/researched phenomenon of bias with the recognition that this researcher hails from the said district/constituency. There is a need to understand that the arguments surrounding bias did trigger some important debates within this study. The only certainty that enabled me to seek objectivity was that for every argument for or against the party (NDC), or President Mills and his government, and or Ex-President Jerry John Rawlings , and Nana Konadu did give room for counter argument. And so the argument continued...but, the telephone expenses to be incurred were curtailed through mutual understanding between the researcher and the participant.
A male teacher in Garu town said, “...talking about the attendance rate in my school by the children I think there have been much improvement now as compared to President Kufour’s time... I think because of the school feeding programme which has been successful now. For that, I praise President Mills very much for that. On teachers attendance I have for a long time now not experienced any teacher absenteeism in my school although I can’t speak for other schools. The fact is that parents are happy...children are happy and that is good for NDC in general...as some parents have been commenting good things ...that’s good for NDC”
A peasant farmer/trader in Bugwega said; “Eh, eh, eh, no bad complains about NDC and I am sure that . . . I think all famers would have good harvest this year. The good thing is that Mills has not forgotten we the poor farmers here...with plenty of fertilizers for our crops, we can’t complain...master no complain. Eh...wait, wait, master...we have problems here and if NDC is not careful....the former NPP Regional Minister will take Garu/Tempane seat from us...eh...eh... from the NDC incumbent. Should the NDC incumbent stands next time...then cold chop for the NPP candidate...let’s wait and see...you must let the big men know about this, master”
A cook in Garu town said, “...in the market people are talking very well of your party NDC...they are very happy about how NDC has helped the farmers, the school children, and many things, but you know what..., they say they need a good person to speak very strongly to Mills more about our hardships here...for me, Mills is so good...”
A female teacher in Garu said “...the big men at the top of NDC must all come together as a family or the party will breakup before the next election. We just want Mills and Jerry to work together to save the party...look here NPP people are always taunting us...saying, your Mills is gone...your Jerry is gone... MP Azimbe will go too... Asamari is our next MP...you see they are always taunting and annoying us here especially on Garu market days. By the way, when are you coming home...you did a lot of campaign for NDC here the last time you came. Try and come...oh yes DZ...I remember you were here in 2008 general and presidential elections...you were here in Garu when JJ came to canvass for the party...it was wonderful...that was good...try and come...DZ... look DZ whatever people in the party say and think about the founder of NDC...JJ...he is a national and International figure and he has to be looked at from national and international perspective...DZ”
A lecturer in Pusiga College said,”...we know some of Mills’s administrators are corrupt but what else can he do...I think he is doing his best for the country in general...the rotten nuts will be there still. When I look at certain areas in education, I think he has performed well...when I also look at the uniforms for the school children, again I think that is good. People are not pleased with his selection of DCEs and some Ministers in particular...corruption is being blamed for that. Politics is a dirty game so I think the NDC must pull her socks...thank you...but some Ghanaians deliberately forget to appreciate the good things JJ has done for NDC...I think there is a growing body of good evidence surrounding JJ politically which will always be of use to someone somewhere within NDC...Danie it’s nice to speak to you...mmmmm” One can glean from this short study which is merely a tip of the iceberg of the reality of the political situation nationally as of current; there is still much room for the NDC government to further manoeuvre her political initiatives. Reflectively, after being painfully quizzed by political pundits and reporters following a gloomy opinion poll during the late British Labour Prime Minister Harold Wison’s government prior to a general election in the 1970’s the Hon Wilson asserted that:”...one week is too far in politics...” but for us I have been informed by this study categorically that, “...contemporary Ghanaian voter system should not be taken for granted for one year is not far in politics” (see Feature Article 19 October 2011).

By: Asigri, Daniel Zanyeya (EdD)
Health Care Researcher