Opinions of Saturday, 12 November 2016

Columnist: Ogochukwu Nweke

The hypocrisy called America, and Africans who don’t want to know better

Mr Donald Trump Mr Donald Trump

I have received a few messages about my comments on the US elections. I thought my comments were very polite and intellectually insightful, but a few messages I got from my American and African American friends, plus Africans who live in America (and their relations) were not very charitable. I have been called to take a stand against what is "obviously wrong" according to them - in this case, Donald J. Trump. This is my answer:

Trump is the American dream! Next to sports and entertainment, gambling and pornography are the biggest money-spinning ventures in the USA. If the laws of America made Trump rich, why is there so much disappointment in his election as president?

When the wife of Nicolas Sarkozy (Prime minister of France) had issues about the life she lived, Americans/Democrats defended her. Why can't Trump's wife enjoy the same from Democrats? Is it because she's a foreigner? The Hypocrisy called America

A certain American entertainer wrote and wondered how he was going to explain to his daughter that Trump is the new president of America. Really? And I wondered how he was able to explain to his daughter that he would go on stage to sing and ladies pull their bras and panties as tokens to him... What moral justification would he and others like him have to accuse Trump of anything? The Hypocrisy called America.

Hilary Clinton didn’t lose the elections because she’s a woman. She lost because Trump got more votes. Isn’t that the Democracy America preaches? The Hypocrisy called America.

Trump spoke against Africans? On November 3, 2016, over 100 Ghanaians were deported from America. The immigration laws of America have always been in force. Non-American citizens who are not legally resident in America are deported every other day. Besides, all he did was speak, but you are happy to put in power a woman whose actions have been a threat to the wellbeing of Africa, from Mali, to Congo, to Ivory Coast, to Nigeria, to Liberia, to Zimbabwe, to Lybia…? Lybia… AFRICANS HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN LYBIA and her “we came, we saw, he died” comment. A woman who in her own voice admitted that America had a hand in the establishment of the Taliban and AL Queada? (not that we hadn’t always known...) Remind me, what's the image of terrorism? The Hypocrisy called America.

How can a country where women accept to be called bitches, turn around and speak against men that treat them like bitches? The hypocrisy called America.

American professors sit on VOA and call Africa Banana Republic, implying that we lack the true understanding of democracy; I wonder what Republic the people who took to the streets to insult a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED president with the most unprintable words should be called. And the leaders who engineered them, what colour should their rooms in hell be painted? But who are we to judge? The Hypocrisy called America

VOA claims that the students that took to the street to do Aluta (as we call it in Africa) were African and Hispanic Americans. No!!! We watched and we saw that majority of them were white! They said among other things, “F***k Donald Trump”! They actually did that and went peacefully to sleep. I guess it was the exercise of their Fundamental Human Rights. But not so long ago, a group of black kids called NWA (Niggers With Attitude) only sang “F***k the Police”, and they got arrested for it. The Hypocrisy called America.

What's all the hypocrisy about? Ronald Reagan kissed a few lips and grabbed a few ladies when he was in Hollywood; Arnold Schwarzenegger was Mr. Universe 5 times and did a few naked shots to achieve that. He also posed nude in Terminator 1. Clint Eastwood, Jesse Ventura, etc - Hollywood indeed has given American Politics a few of their own. This is the American dream! So what is all the brouhaha for?