Opinions of Friday, 10 July 2015

Columnist: Seshie, Stanley

The human genome project and the claims of homosexual activists

The homosexual activists are noted for seeking support in science and
human right movements for appealing to people to accept the
legalization of the act. We shall not be taken away by what science
and human right movements had achieved for mankind. But we must all be
interested in the verdict of science on homosexuality. And then, the
justification of subsuming it under the umbrella of human rights. So
let us focus on their claims.


They claim it is genetic. So they are born gay. But no, it is not. In
April, 2003, the world witnessed one of the highest achievements of
science...specifically in biology, which is the completion of the
Human Genome Project. The Human Genome Project is the mapping or
sequencing of all genes in mankind, carried out in the scientific
laboratories in all over the world. This means that human X and Y
chromosomes, the two sex chromosomes, had been completely sequenced.
As these unique chromosomes were analyzed for the construction of the
gene maps, using the sequence from the Human Genome Project, the much
anticipated gene.....the "gay gene" was never found due to its
nonexistence. In sum neither the X nor Y chromosomes contain any "gay

The homosexual activists via their mostly funded scientists kept
pouring in skewed interpretation of researches upon researches just to
shore up the claim of biological genetic origin. But, the overarching
reproducibility of science always defeats and exposes such reseachers
as their claimed results can hardly be found/reproduced anytime the
experiments were carried out elsewhere by other scientist in the same
field with the same sample size or more.

For instance when experiments of Kallmann leading to his famous 1952
sexual orientation studies, that was widely interpreted as nailing the
genetic basis of homosexuality, was repeated by Michael Bailey and
Richard Pillard, researchers at Northwestern University and the Boston
University of Medicine respectively, their findings were rather
different from the claim of Kallmann. These two researchers' examined
56 pairs of twins, 54 pairs of fraternal twins, 142 non-twin brothers,
and 57 pairs of adoptive brothers, and the results was totally

This is because the hypothesis was simple and understandable; if
homosexuality is an inherited trait hence genetic, then more twin
brothers would be expected to have the same orientation than non-two
brothers or non-biological brothers. Instead of the results fitting
into the hypothesis, the result showed that nearly half of the
identical twins studied, one was homosexual and one is not. The result
simply meant one thing; homosexuality is not genetic. It is of
environmental origin. Because if there was a "gay gene" as claimed,
then all the identical twins should have reported a homosexual
orientation, because identical twin (or twins) share almost the same
genetic material.

Also it was found that "the biological and adoptive brothers showed
approximately the same rate in the studies". This suggest that there
is no genetic components but rather environmental component, else it
does not make sense that biological siblings should have the same rate
of sexual orientation as adoptive brothers. Just as it does not make
sense that within identical twins sharing almost the same genetic
materials, one should be homosexual and the other not. In fact there
are many studies out there proving the non-genetic origin of
homosexuality and establishing firmly its environmental origin.


They like to create and stay behind the impression of suppression,
oppression and repression in society against them, hence their demand
for equal rights of treatment as others. Yes, no matter how long it
will take, humanity must eventually purge themselves of such inhuman
treatments in order for all to live freely in conjunction with society
and societal rules. So there is that collective consciousness towards
creating a free society for all. But there is a contextual
understanding to the main reasons why equal rights to treatment is a
such a nerve-touching issue in Western nations, especially US. The USA
is a melting pot of different races where discrimination kept rearing
its ugly faces in different forms.

The dominant White races kept multreating other minorities such as the
Blacks, Hispanics, Asians etc, as if they are not part of the pot.
This is the basis of the equal right to treatment in the US, that, the
White dominant races treat the minorities equally in all spheres of
human endeavours and needs as in education, health, transport, housing
etc. And much had been achieved in this respect....thanks to the civil
right movements that spring up. Yet, despite all the strides made,
racial discrimination and segregation against minorities is still
alive in even today's 21st century US, if not the West. It is never
disappearing. It keeps coming back.

To this course of equal treatment, they are forever committed to
fighting for as long as it will take. There is no retreating, and in
this desperation mistakes are abound. It is this very psychological
scar of non-disappearance of discrimination against minorities in US
and Western nations, and their laudable commitment to bringing it
down, that the homosexual activists have exploited, probably
justifiably to their advantage, in presenting homsexuals in such

In other words, homosexuals are shouting and crying they are the new
minorities in town, in need of protection desperately. So if
homosexuality is legalized in Western nations, especially US, it is
probaly influenced by the collective protection of the minorities due
to their history of discrimnations and segragations than any other
reason. The same thing can be said for Ireland, the apathied South
Africa among others that have suffered heavily from discriminations in
one form or another.

But, what of Ghana? Do we have any notable discrimination and
segregation as in race, tribal, religious among others. Sure, there
may be pockets of such instances, but certaintly they are not of
national scale with any reasonable threat to national security unlike
the case in the Western nations, like US in particular. So the claims
of homosexual activists in Ghana are anecdotal and importation of
other peoples troubles as representations of situations in Ghana. If
there is any reason why there are no known active civil right
movements in Ghana to claim discriminations and demand an end to it,
is simply because of the absence of the cause that necesaarily ignites
such movements.

And it won't make sense that, of all other compelling problems that
are bedevilling us as a nation, it is this nonexistent , but a rather
self-made discrimination against homosexuals that we want to defend by
pushing for its legalization. In actuality, there is no basis for
legalization of homosexuality. No one is discrimination against them.
They are invisible minorites holed up by their own attitudes, not
oppressed, suppressed and repressed by the majorities in the sense
minorities suffers in the Western nations. At least no Ghanaian is
denied access to education, health, transport, housing, employments
among others on basis of colour, religious, or whatever yet.


Homosexuality has no genetic origin given the Human Genome Project
sequencing. It is therefore environmental, hence cultural in origin.
Its acceptance and legalization mostly had all to do with the
historical discrimination and segregation background of such nations,
where the collective protection of the minorities in society became
the consciousness of the people.

Unfortunately this is now being exploited by homosexual activists by
presenting them as minorities suffering such fates, hence in need of
protection via legalization. It worked for them. But it must fail here
in Ghana. The reason is simple. Ghana does not have such a history of
national discrimination and segregation as USA, South Africa, Ireland.
Culturally, there is no loophole for homosexual activists to exploit
here like they did in such countries. There are better things for
which these human right activists should direct their attention to.


Email; seshiehanku@gmail.com

Whatsapp; 0508951323