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Opinions of Saturday, 25 May 2024

Columnist: Kenneth Uwadi

The Papa Ajasco House of Assembly in Imo State (Part 1)

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"I was ill and you cared for me." (Matthew 25: 30) These words are inscribed upon the wall of Loyola University Chicago's medical school, among the first things a newly matriculated student sees upon entering a career in medicine.

For those within the Christian tradition, it serves as a call, urging them to continue Jesus' ministry of caring for the human person. For those of other faiths, it remains a powerful reminder that as physicians, they are trained with the foremost task of caring for those made vulnerable by illness. It also underscores the historical involvement of the Christian faith in tending to the sick.

I have not been writing articles because I have been sick. I was so down, and I was crying for help. Help came, and I received medical attention. I am recuperating. By the grace of God, I will not die. I will extend special thanks to those who came to my aid in my next article. I write as a service to humanity. My concern is the well-being of the people. I think, speak, write, and act as an unknown servant. My intentions are pure. I will not write to promote evil. I act for the general interest. There is no need to wish me dead because of my articles. For me, no politics is worth the death of anyone.

I am not happy with the current low ebb in the consciousness of Ndi-Imo. This allows the government of Governor Hope Uzodinma to have its way, especially with the anti-poor policies the governor has been implementing since his administration came to power. One of the anti-poor policies of the 3R government in the state is the use of SOLAD in our local government.

If the Imo State House of Assembly had been political and agitating with their enormous strength through radical and ideological leadership, the governor wouldn't be having his way.

I cannot say I am proud of the current members of the Imo State House of Assembly. To me, they resemble the Papa Ajasco House of Assembly. Imo has been unlucky to have these Papa Ajascos as legislators. With the past and current Speaker of the Imo State House of Assembly, Governor Uzodinma has confidently wielded power, neglecting the state's needs. Is it not deceitful for a governor to rule a state for five years without elected council officials? Since he came into power, the councils in Imo have been run by unelected appointees of the governor, yet our House members have done nothing but "look yansh, killing goat."

The powers of the legislature are not judiciously exercised to guarantee Imolites the dividends of electing their representatives. By not conducting council elections for five years, Governor Uzodinma has done the same things that we criticized Rochas Okorocha for. In fact, as things stand, Rochas Okorocha's government is better than that of Governor Hope Uzodinma.

Hope has acted unconstitutionally and violated the democratic rights of Imo people. Section 7 of the 1999 constitution says, "The system of local government by democratically elected local government councils is guaranteed under this constitution." Under Uzodinma, many communities in Imo have ceased to have access to pipe-borne water.

Other things like markets, schools, and government buildings, which were in good condition before he assumed office, are neglected. Certainly, Imo LGAs are worse under him. Many roads in our rural areas are impassable, making him one of the most disliked political officeholders at this time. Other LGAs in the state, except Owerri, are neglected, isolated, and treated as leprous victims.

The fact that we haven't elected local government officials in Imo for five years shows the collaboration of the Imo State House of Assembly with the Executive in looting the state. Imo House of Assembly members are part of the many injustices of this government.

The House is involved in pro-rich, pro-imperialist, capitalist policies that Governor Uzodinma has been implementing. Uzodinma’s government, acting under the dictates of imperialism, has completely abandoned the idea of using local government funds and resources to better the lives of local councils. Instead, it has adopted a wholesale capitalist, neo-liberal strategy of looting these funds. Today, over 80% of Imolites in grassroots areas are suffering.

The Chike Olemgbe-led Imo State House of Assembly are nothing but capitalist thieves. They connive with Hope Uzodinma, aiding and abetting gross financial impropriety in the state. They deserve to be in one of our dilapidated and uninhabitable prison houses, enduring the just recompense of their grave sin against Imo.

They inflict suffering upon Imolites while lining their pockets with ill-gotten gains. Shall we allow them to continue subjecting our people to misery? Shall we permit them to deprive local governments of the funds needed for schools, roads, motor parks, markets, etc.? Do we continue to call them “dike na mba” when they are all “agadi na agwo ofe,” when they have made us beggars and impoverished us in a perpetual state of squalor? We say no more to SOLADs.

Give us democratically elected Councilmen and women. Stop the never-ending lies of 'I will conduct council elections in 60 days." Sixty days, and it never happens?

In the same vein, some persons in the state have been parading fictions as statistics, displaying figures that tend to suggest that the 3R government is doing well. You cannot claim to be doing well when you have no council government and with your self-serving agenda of enriching yourselves as quickly as possible at the expense of Imo masses and with your total disinterest in policies and strategies that can mobilize Imo’s natural and human resources to benefit the vast majority of Ndi-Imo.

To these capitalist thieving elements and their lackeys, the brutal lessons of the ruthless and largely barren years under colonialism count for little or nothing. Save Us, Oh God.