Opinions of Saturday, 22 August 2009

Columnist: The Goldeon Star

The Immortal Soul Of Rawlings

The very act of serving one's country is a noble task. Especially, when or if the task, is committed to in all honesty and truth. As a matter of fact, patriotism is measured upon how well a citizen, dedicates his/her life, to the service of his/her country. Patriotism is all about telling the truth. Even if it would make one look ridicules, in the eyes of many. It's also about having the guts, to say what you mean and mean what you say. Not because, it would make you more popular, if you're not already, but to inspire both the present and future generations, to be bold and fearless. If anything, we owe to ourselves to be truthful. So let's tell the truth or be damned, shall we?

It's a known fact that, we humans hate what we cannot understand. And to some of us, anything which deviates from the ordinary, is considered strange. To a coward, for instance, the sound or sight of bravery is strange. But not only that, bravery also means madness to a coward. And whilst truth may damn a liar's soul, it also makes a liar's knees quiver. Especially, when truth is fearlessly spoken at the presence of a liar. They say that, maybe a great magnet pulls all souls towards truth. But could it be that maybe, it's life itself, which gives wisdom to its youth and brave in heart? Like for example, wisdom to change things for the better?.

Indeed, If there is anything or anybody which God hates, then it must be a coward. And why is that? Because a coward has no honour. A coward fears, when there is no cause to fear. And fear, as you and I know, is also the enemy of progress. Truly, fearlessness is a sign of Godliness. Godly people are honest, bold as love and tend to shun corruption. Therefore, it should be safe to say that, those who hate Rawlings for his honesty, must definitely hate God. All because God is honest. It should also be safe to say that, those who hate Rawlings for telling the truth, must definitely hate God. Simply because God is truth.

They say that the teacher comes, when the student is ready. Dr Nkrumah came at a time, when Ghana needed him the most. He did what he came to do, and left not a moment too soon. His legacy still lives on. Rawlings came at a time, when Ghana and her children needed him the most. He also did what he came to do, and still continues to play his part, as required of a true patriot.What exactly his legacy would be, remains to be seen.I personally believe that, Rawlings was chosen by God to lead this country. Otherwise he would have been dead by now. The lying cowards would have murdered him, and called his death a suicide. So let's learn from this great teacher, father, warrior, husband and brother, while he is still here with us. Because really, what is there to learn from a coward, who would be too afraid to kill or die for the sake of progress?