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Opinions of Monday, 16 January 2023

Columnist: Frank Kuanyawo

The 4 Johns, Akufo-Addo, and the man Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

Oprah Winfrey of OWN said, “when you are excellent, you become unforgettable, people remember you, you stand out. All of us have the potential for enormous success. And there is a price that comes with that. People don’t like you and they are not always happy for you.

"If you surround yourself with people who are not accustomed to your success, they become fearful, they become scared because you are reflecting them something they don’t recognize.

"People who want the best for you, want you to be your best. Surround yourself with people who are going to fill your cup until your cup flows over.”

Indeed, Dr. Bawumia surrounds himself with the people who are going to fill his cup until his cup flows over. You are as good as the late Vice President Amissah Arthur but he joined the wrong group that knows nothing but peddling lies and propaganda.

The group could not even put a drop in his cup. A man can have all the potential but marketing him to bring out his potential is very important. It is also said that “great minds have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”

Ghana is blessed with rich natural resources and rich human capital of about only 30 million yet we are struggling to survive without foreign aid. The PNDC ruled Ghana for 11 years uninterrupted under military government but has nothing to show for it.

The fourth republic of which you are currently the Vice President witnessed four Johns as presidents before your boss, H.E. Akufo-Addo came as president. In the fourth republic, the NDC ruled for 16 years.

The NPP has ruled for fourteen years and has two years to complete the 16 years. What is the way forward for Ghana’s politics after 2024? Prophetically and biblically, I will want to walk us on these paths with our presidents - the four Johns and Nana Addo.

The elder, John, one of Jesus’ 12 disciples wrote the gospel of John, the three letters of John and the book of Revelation all in the New Testament. The gospel of John is separated from the three letters of John just as the former president John Kufuor of the NPP is separated from the three former presidents, John Rawlings, John Mills, and John Mahama of the NDC.

The gospel of John which represents Mr. John Kufuor's reign as president has more than one chapter. It was therefore not a surprise that Mr. Kufuor did his two terms successfully and continues to be a pillar of the NPP.

The first book (letter) of John which represents Mr. Rawlings’ reign as president also has more than one chapter and no wonder Mr. Rawlings also did his two terms successfully and continued to be a pillar for the NDC, though they tried to kick him out before the Lord called him.

The second book (letter) of John which represents Mr. John Atta’s reign as president has only one chapter. It was not a surprise that he was a one-term president even though he was elected at the party’s presidential primaries to become the flagbearer for the second term.

The third book (letter) of John that represents John Mahama’s reign as president also contains only one chapter. It was therefore wrong for Mr. John Mahama to go for a second term, hence the humiliating defeat that he experienced.

The book of Revelation represents the reign of Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo as president. He came to end the eras of the Johns. The book of Revelation has more than one chapter and no wonder Nana Addo also won his second term without struggle.

The book of Revelation is a mysterious one. The coming of Nana Addo to end the eras of Johns is a mysterious one as well. First, he reproduces himself as a great leader in the person of Dr. Bawumia. Nana Addo distinguished himself from
others by bringing two major policies under his regime which are not for election but for generations - FREE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL & DIGITALIZATION.

The FSHS is a relief to the poor masses and a tool to bridge the gap between the poor and the rich. Digitalization is going to reduce the level of corruption in the country. These two most important policies are long-term policies whose benefits would be felt in the future.

The man Alhaji Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is the vice president of Ghana, that is a vice to Nana Addo. Dr. Bawumia came into politics with so much energy and ideas for the development of our nation. He has raised the bar of politics in Ghana to a different level.

His opponents call him a LIAR because they are not accustomed to his successes. They are fearful and scared of him because he reflects them something they do not recognize. Dr. Bawumia wins the hearts of every right-thinking Ghanaian who loves the country. I was not surprised when many jumped to his defence after corruption allegations were levelled against him.

Dr. Bawumia is the only outstanding personality with the qualities of a presidential material Ghana needs after Nana Addo. It is no longer about popularity and money or how a person looks. It is about the person with the ideas. It is about a person with a development mentality and not a person whose mind is full of material acquisition.

He has distinguished himself in the fourth republic as a compassionate, God-fearing leader who can help Ghana. He has a vision for his own life that reframes his priorities, which will inspire the youth to change the world around
them. He is a leader that takes the lead to initiate ideas and plans. He is a transformational leader because he changes situations and what people talk about.

Dr. Bawumia is a genuine leader who operates out of a sense of calling, and not a sense of drive. He flows naturally.

One thing is certain - he has become known globally such that when he leaves politics, international multi-billion dollar institutions and universities would be looking for him for jobs. He will make more money than he makes in politics.

He shows the way; that the best way to enjoy politics and contribute effectively and positively is to first achieve private victory, otherwise you
become a politician who is nothing but gossip.

As a patriotic citizen of Ghana, it is my fervent prayer that God will look at Dr. Bawumia’s heart and grant him the opportunity to lead our dear nation come January 7, 2025.

Long Live, Ghana.