Opinions of Friday, 23 July 2010

Columnist: Transient Justice

Thanks Atta Mills: 35 reasons to love him

1) Thanks for giving us no water
2) Thanks for trying to sell the value of a lot of our oil to a Korean
3) Thanks for making us refugees in Togo
4) Thanks for Doing nothing on Electricity
5) Thanks for doing nothing on Water once again
6) Thanks for doing nothing on sanitation
7) Thanks for making the health care system worse
8) Thanks for arresting journalist and, attacking innocent journalist
9) Thanks for ruining the livelihood of many common men and women
10) Thanks for killing us at the BNI
11) Thanks for wasting the presidential palace in the name of politics
12) Thanks for chasing innocent people and, planting false charges on them in
the name of fake justice.
13) Thanks for trying to reshuffle your cabinet to bring in more radicals who
will break our laws with impunity
14) Thanks for attempting to create a one party state by harassing the
15) Thanks for harassing the GFA and other organizations of integrity with the
hopes of sticking party men there to ruin to the only bright spot in Ghanaian
administration in the last 2 years
16) Thanks for killing us with higher taxes and, poorer services
17) Thanks for throwing coups in the palaces of esteemed Ghanaian chiefs
18) Thanks for turning chief against chief
19) Thanks for paying for party men to go to South Africa on the backs of
tax payers
20) Thanks for creating a gov. not based on merit
21) Thanks for having no health care policy with regard to maternal mortality
22) Thanks for doing nothing to revive Ghana Airways
23) Thanks for ruining our military and, damaging our reputation as one of the
best peace keepers in Africa
24) Thanks for kicking all the moderate NDC men out of power and surrounding
yourself with radicals.
25) Thanks for kicking intellects like Bawumia out of Ghana
26) Thanks for taking no leadership in Ghana and Africa
27) Thanks for mispronouncing basic words and, being a youtube sensation with
your Ecomini videos.

28) Thanks for arresting and detaining those who speak against your gov.
29) Thanks for stealing cars and other things from Ghanaians overseas via Carl
30) Thanks for not making any significant cuts to the size of your gov.
31) Thanks for campaigning instead of implementing what you campaigned on!
32) Thanks for ruining the lives of many Ghanaians.
33) Thanks for selling us to the IMF
34) Thanks for selling us to the World bank
35) Thanks for doing NOTHING about the gold you sold for free in the 1990’s

There you have it, Atta Mills in under 2 years Atta Mills has given US so much
to be thankful for. The sad thing is, US refers only to radical NDC men.

Penname: Transient Justice