Opinions of Thursday, 17 August 2017

Columnist: Desmond Allotey-Pappoe

Teacher licencing is not the medicine to address teacher ineffectiveness

Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh, Education Minister Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh, Education Minister

It's welcoming a news that the National Teachers Council (NTC) of the Ministry of Education is drumming about the Licencing of teachers.

Research has proven that teacher quality has a major impact on the performance of students and school as a whole, hence several countries including Sweden, Philippines, Hong Kong, Singapore, Finland etc. are already at the height of ensuring competent teachers are recruited/ retained.

The Teacher Licencing Policy under the Education Act 778 (2008) which according to the NTC, is to enforce discipline and eliminate non-performing isn't a cure for "teacher ineffectiveness but rather there should be comprehensive framework that factors in the elements of induction, mentoring, professional development, conditions of service, teacher performance, opportunities for career progression, infrastructure developments to the make the profession a more attractive option for talented graduates. . Though "Licencing of teachers" could take forms devoid of 'examination' (as done by nurses and other professionals), it isn't an exercise that should be done in isolation. It should be the subset of a holistic educational policy that measures the outputs of education with the inputs.

The current policy outlines for the new career levels to provide the basis for the mapping of salary levels linked to the job responsibilities.

Have negotiations been done to that effect?

Currently, more than 300, 000 teachers are working without conditions of service, and a deluge of issues on salary arrears, promotions and up- grading are yet to be given the needed audience by the Ministry. For our educational system to be fertile, a more coordinated effort backed by evidence- based policies is required.

The NTC owes it as a responsibility to come clear with the modalities related to the examinations so as it shapes the debate on assessment areas, job security implications, job description and teacher working conditions etc.

The current stance of NTC makes the licencing a mockery of the teaching profession as it seems to be an exercise pitched to milk money ( in the name of registration exams) from the purse of teachers.

A review of the policy coupled with broader consultation with relevant stakeholders could help best address the flaws...

Desmond Allotey-Pappoe

Teacher/ Edu- blogger/ Research fellow

MED Educational Administration and Management.
