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Religion of Thursday, 4 January 2007

Source: GNA

Jehovah's witnesses hold annual District convention in Tema

Tema, Jan 04, GNA -- The Jehovah's witnesses Ghana branch, has held its annual convention at Batsoona in the Tema Municipality under the theme: "Deliverance at Hand". It brought together over 6,511 participants in parts of Dangme East and West, Tema and Nungua who came together to share the word of Jehovah God.

Speaking on the topic: 'Deliverance by God's Kingdom is at Hand' Elder Jephtah Quainor said ever since man rebelled against God he has always been living with a lot of problems. He said for instance in spite of its numerous forms of governments, scientific knowledge to manufacture deadly weapons, diseases as well of disasters still claim thousands of lives and stressed the need for all Christians especially to have faith in Jehovah God and seek his intervention to solve problems.

An Elder of the church, Elder Ebenezer Anum Ashision, baptised Eighty six members of the church into the Jehovah's Witnessed Brotherhood and reminded them that baptism is not certificate of everlasting life but rather opens the way for salvation. He therefore advised them on the need to be prayerful and seek the help of Jehovah in times of trouble and not to rely on their own wisdom.