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Opinions of Thursday, 16 May 2024

Columnist: Maa Abena Amirah

Spotlight on election dynamics: Not all flagbearers shine equally

Vice President, Dr. Bawumia and Ex-President, John Mahama Vice President, Dr. Bawumia and Ex-President, John Mahama

In our modern political landscape, it is clear that not all-party Flagbearers are equally visible in this 2024 election year. Among them, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia stands out as one of the most prominent and active figures. His dedication to the campaign deserves commendation, and it is essential for us to rally behind him, granting him the opportunity to lead the country with confidence that he will effectively elevate Ghana’s global standing.

Dr. Bawumia has made remarkable efforts to connect with the youth, ensuring their active participation in his campaign. This engagement demonstrates his understanding of the importance of involving the younger generation in shaping the nation’s future.

Comparing Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia to Mr. John Mahama, it is evident that Dr. Bawumia’s campaign stands out as more impactful and promising for this year’s election. His visibility has left a significant impression on the lives of our youth and has instilled a renewed sense of hope in the majority of Ghanaians.

On the other hand, Mr. Mahama’s previous term as leader (President) of the country was marked by slogans such as “y3n ntie obiaa”, “Dead goat,” and many more. which failed to resonate positively with the populace. Additionally, his reluctance to heed the concerns of the people during his tenure raises doubts about his ability to bring about meaningful change if given another opportunity to lead.

While some may criticize these observations, it is essential to recognize that truth remains unchanged, regardless of how it is received. It is imperative for us as citizens to engage in honest assessments of our leaders and their potential impact on the nation’s future.

Shalom, let’s keep hope alive. It’s possible.