Opinions of Thursday, 4 April 2013

Columnist: Nuhu, Kashaa

So The Pastor Did Not See The Death Of Nana?

According to the Akan tradition, a King, Chief or an old person is referred to as Nana. Nonetheless, some children are named after their grandparents and as such the name Nana is attached to their names as a reverence to their old folks dead or alive. Other school of taught in the Akan tradition also believe that, every child who bears the name of a day is automatically called Nana. For instance, there are names like Nana Yaa, Nana Kwame, Nana Kofi, Nana Yaw just to add some amount of veneration on the day that allows the child to the world according to customs and tradition.

The above background has nothing to do with the death of any living soul but the affectionate believe of all is that, death is more close to older folks than younger ones. But in this part of our world, many people die young due to our inability to battle some preventable diseases and other invitational death by our own actions and inactions. So our prophets must be able to predict the death of our old folks irrespective of what.

Ghanaians generally are religious people who believe in the Supreme Being and offer supplication on daily basis for protection and guidance. There is a common superstitious acceptance by Ghanaians on the death of certain kinds. It is believed some deaths are just a curse imposed on the individual as a repercussion for a wrong doing whether old or young. The same religiously inclined Ghanaians cursed people who offend them as a form of punishment for committing a crime against them to death.

Most men of God averred to foresee the death of others but offer many transom of avenue to getaway when it does not materialized. There are so many Nanas (Older folks) vanishing everyday but these Men of God can only predict doom for the young but never prophesized the death of our old guys in Ghana. It will not attract the necessary attention they seek because it is generally known that, anybody above three and half count,70 is closer to his grave than the number of years left to be spent on earth. Those who make any attempt to predict old folks’ death consider the status of the person first before God reveals to them. This will make them merit the undeserving quest for attention. Why our Men of God?

Rev. Owusu Bempah foresaw the death of our President without telling when it will happen. This made the Man of God enjoyed some level of free media coverage to achieve his clandestine motive for this prediction. Rev Bempah is now brought on the limelight for an awful reason which will allow his congregation to puff up to capacity. Our feelings, mentality and attitude towards religion is skewed towards assemblage of affluence with the mindset of controlling the society. These prophets are no different from what the Holy Bible talked about in Mathew 7:21-29. Ghanaians, beware of these false Men of God.

There were so many fetish priests in the system who possess some African black powers to do all sort of things including commanding all evils tormenting men to return to mortality. They mostly metamorphose into Prophets who we see today or these Men of God go to them for magical powers to charm people as their parishioners. This is how far these people parading as Men of God go to lure their victims for wealth. The living God shall pay every soul and its impact on earth by their works according to His teachings.

Let us name and shame these prophets to save our vulnerable citizens from falling prey to these Men. The practice is gaining enough grounds to doom this nation if care is not taken to control their activity. The tactics they employ in their activity varies from time to time. It is getting more and more complicated to identify these tricksters with the fast growing computerization. They preach everywhere on radio stations, TV Stations and internet to advertize the potency of their powers to envisage doom but never have the real anti-dot to it.

Ghanaians prophets who claim piety without a fleck of doubt in their integrity must endeavour to spare this nation the heart-beat by prophesying things that are bound to happen with or without their prediction. Every living soul has the tendency to commit sin and has the free will to stand before his maker for confession and repentance. Therefore, it is imperative on us all to take charge of our lives and ignore or give no credence to detractors who intend to dupe people by their false claims and do what God has directed us to do.

Kashaa Nuhu babnuh11@yahoo.com