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Diasporia News of Sunday, 5 March 2006


Agave Development Association Chairman?s Report

18th February 2006

Mr Morgan Brown, Minister Counsellor and representatives from the Ghana High Commission, Togbuio, Mamao, Nii-mei, ke Naa-mei, Nana-num, Invited Guests, Representatives of the various organisations, ladies and gentlemen, Agave Development Association warmly welcomes you to its 6th Annual Fund Raising Event.

A.D.A started 6 years ago as a small, unknown charity. Currently, we are well established and hence making a difference in the socio-economic advancement of the Agave State. We are now internationally recognised as a result of our track record of success.

I am therefore appealing to all Ghanaians and non-Ghanaian to participate in sharing their skills to help in the development of the Agave State, in the Volta Region, Ghana.

Our people are determined to turn their history of underdevelopment into an opportunity for potential development.

As Archbishop Desmond Tutu said, and I quote,?Do your little bit of good where you are: it?s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world?.

A.D.A is living with the people, loving them, starting with what they have, building on what they have. However, of the best leaders when their task is accomplished, their work is done, all the Agave people can remark, ? We have done it ourselves?.

Our achievement so far within the six years:

 Successfully funded and distributed school furniture to over 30 early learning centres within the Agave District from the money raised so far. Pause ? 3 pictures to be shown

 Donated two computers to the Educational Unit at Sogakope Pause- 2 pictures to be shown

 Our example here in the U.K has encouraged the inauguration of A.D.A, Ghana on the 30th December 2005 under the chairmanship of Mr Oscar Ameyedowo former Ghana?s Ambassador to China & Korea. -Pause 1 picture to be shown

 Engaged in volunteering schemes to help Agave District as a whole. Pause 2 picutres to be shown.

 Acquired a 10-plot land for the construction of our future major project, a purposeful community centre to provide for a library, career counselling, computer training suite and offices etc.

 Donated hospital equipment to Adidome & Sogakope hospitals and the Dabala Medical Centre as well as the maternity wing.

 Formed various committees to tackle the issues e.g. Education Sports Promotion, Improving the Environment, Health issues

 Supporting A.D.A members in the U.K. in times of need lead persons

We are proud of the positive tangible changes we are making for the people of Agave.

Ladies and gentlemen, one does not have to be a Ghanaian to give something back to our communities both in the U.K and Ghana where we come from.

These initiatives, I believe would encourage the progress and development of any community.

As Ghanaians we should not think of feeling too comfortable on foreign lands hence pointing our underdevelopment to someone else to deal with.

We must continue to make the link with home whilst we are young and energetic for future sake. Let us keep networking with all interested parties for the advancement of the Agave State and others.

Global Gratitude

I will like to express my sincere appreciation for the financial support Ghana has been receiving from the following: European Union, U.S, the Asiatic and other African countries. In aid of road infrastructure development; economic reforms; good governance; education; health care; law and order; effective communications; welfare; the preservation of historical and cultural progress.

Well, these countries see something good about Ghanaians, which is also beneficial to them.

The fundamental gift we have as Ghanaians is our hospitality and as such , this richness is embraced in our cultural diversity. A unique tapestry of the Ghanaian make up thereby hemming us all with one true spirit.

With that one spirit one can say that the opportunities have now arrived for every Ghanaian to explore the right marketing strategies to position us on the global market.

Current Focus

I believe education is the way forward for the positive development of any country.

Ladies and gentlemen, our focus tonight is to provide a computer library to the only Secondary Technical School in Dabala, which is serving 93 villages.

Mr Brown as Ghana Government representative on this special occasion, I feel the need to stress that A.D.A is fully committed in complimenting our Government?s efforts in the realisation of the importance of ICT. I would therefore, commit ourselves to the current trend in our society by empowering our youth to access ICT education. As, we are all aware, ladies and gentlemen the global emphasis is on access to ICT.

I believe it is about time we support ICT education programme in Agave. It is our duty to harness computer library into our educational system for the youth of the Agave district.

A.D.A appears to be setting off the Government?s own scene,,

?The computer in school programme? thus gets institutions to be connected to the Internet.

Our Minister for Education and Sports, Mr Yaw Osafo-Marfo pointed out, in his speech on the 23rd Dec 2005 that, every educational system has an obligation to deliver on the public expectation of quality education, growth education and social development.

However, realistically, ladies and gentlemen, dreams come true mainly for those who work towards them.

A.D.A is working towards reducing the inequalities that exist within our society by being a catalyst to help to sustain the challenges to enhance general progress.

Please do donate generously to help us make that difference to the people of the Agave District.


A.D.A can not achieve their vision without any continuous support. I would like to thank Gharweg management, A.D.A members, the various organisations, Mr CNN of and Ghana Union and the Ghana High Commission and the general public.

I would also like to say big thank you to the fund raising committee for organising this event, ?mercie bien? to all our council of elders, executive members and particularly our current secretary Ms Gladys Gafrey.

In addition, A.D.A would like to say a special thank you to Jacob Amusu ? our educational lead & his team who have worked tirelessly in partnership with Mr Hudson Ablordeppey & Ms Evelyn Goni in Ghana. As a result we have accomplished the successful delivery our phase 1& 2 of our furniture to early learning centres project.

Special thanks to Chief editor of our annual newsletter Gershon Ahadzi, Mrs Grace Charway & Millie Addo for decorating this hall this evening and finally to you our audience.

May God richly bless you all and please do make tonight a night to remember as you generously give for a good cause to change history. Thanks so much.