Opinions of Friday, 17 February 2017

Columnist: Marshall, Alhassan

Rejoinder: Blame Ibn Chambas for Bimbilla clashes

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By Alhassan Marshall

The chieftaincy crisis in Nanung, is above all else, a crisis of unmanaged traditional governance structure and functions and not an individual-driven crisis. The transition to a more peaceful and just society will require measured radical changes in the actions of government, state machinery and individuals of Nanung. It calls for significant changes in the attitude and mindset of individuals like Danaa Natogmah in Nanung, the spokesperson of Kpatihi family, Bimbilla.

The throne to the paramountcy of Nanung, Bimbilla is legally contested and, it will continue to test both the aged long customary and legal systems in Ghana to their limits. The use of arms to resolve this chieftaincy problem is not part of the solutions. As the Supreme Court review the case, it will be of great interest to all Nanumbas who believe in the rule of law to restrain from using violence and making wild allegations as a means to solving this problem.

Haven said this, let me turn to some erroneous and wild allegations made against an icon and advocate of social justice, human rights, and the rule of law, Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Special Representative of the United Nations for West Africa and the Sahel by one Danaa Natogmah, the spokeperson for the Kpatihi family. “WHAT is truth?” That was Pontius Pilate's answer to Jesus's assertion that “Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice.” It sounds suspiciously like the wild allegation made by Danaa Natogmah. Like the Biblical statement "Can anything good come from Nazareth" in this case "Can anything good come from Bimbilla?" The answer is yes, the gem "Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas".

The overwhelming majority of the good people of Ghana and the world know the impeccable track records and personality of this number one United Nations Rep for West Africa and the Sahel. Apart from his proven-tested records in multi-track diplomacy, conflict resolution, transformation, peacekeeping, peace enforcement and peace building, his character can be matched to that of a saint if not mistaken.

The Ghanaian community, West Africa community and the world as a whole can attest to this public knowledge and facts. The Truth has shared so much of itself him-Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, love of all befriended this finest gentleman immensely that it has turned to free him of every ill-minded and black image that Danaa Natogmah seeks to paint him.

We are pretty convinced that some well-meaning family members of the Kpatihi family do not want to associate themselves with this reckless, self-fish interest and wicked lies. The grace of God will continue to shield this innocent and well-meaning nobleman orchestrated against him. "When they go low" Dr. Chambas will "go high" and the Almighty God will continue to let him soar higher.

It is important to mention that Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas is one of the world's clearest, best informed and most serious thinker on peace and security of the world, not just Nanung, and will not meddle or fuel the chieftaincy crisis. There are more insight and good sense advice he has offered to meet the immense challenges and other sustainable development challenges in the area. The best legacy he has bequeathed the generations of Nanung is education among others.

We will not touch on the legalities since the case is still pending in the highest court of the land. The ruling made mentioned by Danaa Natogmah is a clear evidence that sufficiently demonstrated that something went wrong in the recent past in the dispensation of justice related to the chieftaincy crisis in Nanung.

Evidently, let us treat these wild allegations as a deceit that lacks sufficient evidence to paint the personality of Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas black. If Nanumbas are going to choose a safe route through this chieftaincy crisis, we need to change our conventional worldview and speaking like Danaa Natogmah, the spokesperson of the Kpatihi family.

This attitude and behavior are profoundly dangerous. The surest way for us to crash disastrously is to continue to believe that we know individuals who are causing the chieftaincy crisis in Nanung because then we lose our capacity for self-criticism, self-reflection that the problem can be resolve with our collective efforts. Let us look for ways to prevent and forestall horrible outcomes, not just managing things-an approach that is often ineffective and counterproductive-but reflecting on our situations and working to implement more radical far-reaching solutions.

Most importantly, let us make our society and each of us a more united Nanumbas than ever. Let us know that we have entered a critical time in our traditional history, and the choices we make and the paths we choice at this junction will determine our collective future. The stakes are high as they can get but let us all turned to be good citizens of Nanung and Ghana.

We pray for the repose of all departed souls in Nanung.

Alhassan Marshall
Keene, New Hamsphire, USA
Writer's e-mail:Marshalladams.fc@gmail.com