Opinions of Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Columnist: Obeng-Adjei, Prince

RE: Sophia Akuffo is a disgrace

Justice Sophia Akuffo Justice Sophia Akuffo

‘Montie 3’ has been the topic of discussion in recent times, even to the extent of relegating the death of one of my favourite people, Daasebre ‘Ahuofe’ Dwamena to the background.

From morning shows through afternoon drives to evening news, lawyers go all lengths to explain what contempt is while other people give their own views on the harshness or leniency of the ruling. I do not care about the intensity or otherwise of the ruling, after all, the ruling was the Supreme Court’s own way of ‘bie-ing gya’ on them, fair deal.

The judge(s) have been called all sorts of name by all sorts of people but the recent arrow that has been lobbed by Margaret Jackson towards Justice Sophia Akuffo was rather weak. He/she in her bid to reverse the projector and run the battles scenes past again failed miserably and only fired rubber bullets from the safety of her scrub-oaks.

Unlike some of his/her past articles which I found honest, this particular one smacked of impetuousness and too much of ‘home-boyism’ made her article not worth reading.

Margaret wondered how Sophia Akuffo rose to such a high position, a question I could easily have answered even in my fourth grade; she went to law school, TOOK HER STUDIES SERIOUS, got a certificate and worked really hard. Sophia Akuffo is simply a woman who refused be defined by the architecture of her hips or backside. Otherwise how could anybody have gotten to such heights?

Inasmuch as I would not wish jail on even my bitterous enemy and even though I think that moving forward there should be alternate forms of punishment for people whose actions may be same as the contemnors, it is a deterrent to those who may/ will want to reduce the integrity of the Supreme Court of our land and want to marry the Chief Justice off to one Nash at Mataheko. I’d love to go for a wedding though, it’s been a minute.

The ruling is not a way of using scare tactics to whip nor clip the media’s wing or to make political party reps ‘shut their trap’ when they are commenting on issues, rather, it is only meant to promote sanctity on our already polluted airwaves. The directors were dragged into the case because they employed the host and did not come out to dissociate themselves from the ‘ogya’ they opened.

If the radio won cash for being the best radio or something of that sort the directors would’ve showed up in more elegant suits than Obinim’s snake skin ones so why not?

Whether the jail term should have been longer or shorter, misguided articles which are mere journalistic propaganda organs should be shunned. We should throw off our sectarian shackles and be very objective in analysing issues. This whole attitude of throwing vitriol on our political opponents must be renounced and counted as utter dross which has no place in our growing democracy and progressing society.

The attacks on Justice Sophia Akuffo is unwarranted and ludicrous. The EC Chair got support when she was attacked in the process of executing her duties, should Justice Sophia Akuffo be left to go the lonely path because she did not do the bidding of these ‘women groups’ or one that a particular political sect disagrees with the court’s ruling? Eye nsem Pii.