Opinions of Friday, 27 April 2012

Columnist: Awayevoo, Victor

Preserving Ethnic Gems

Tradition and oral history shape the cultural beliefs and practices of people all over the world as we all learn lessons from our experiences which guide our future activities. Forgetfulness and selective remembrances becloud some aspects of history as told between different groups of people who may have had some common interactions in the past. Some aspects stand the test of time and remain as beautiful gems.

In this context, we highlight some aspects of very fruitful and beneficial aspects of cooperation between Ashantis and Ewes in the past as we examine the invitation by Kennedy Agyepong to Ashantis to perpetrate violence against Voltarians and Gas. The following four paragraphs from a booklet entitled “Fiaxor – The Hidden Mystery of Anlo State” illustrate the beauty of this ethnic gem that we must all strive to preserve.

“Tsali and Tsala (alias Okomfo Ankye) were twin brothers. Their father was Togbui Akplormada. These brothers were mysteriously endowed with potent spiritual powers.

Tsala, who later became known as Okomfo Anokye, left Notsie on his sojourn at a youthful age, and finally settled at Awukugua in present day Eastern Region. Because of his spiritual powers, he became known as Okomfo Notsie (in Ewe language, Notsie Hunor) or Notsie priest.

In Anlo oral history, we learnt Tsala (Okomfo Anokye) returned to Notsie around 1695 to consult with his brother Tsali before accepting the invitation of King Osei Tutu of Ashanti to help establish his kingdom (Ashanti Kingdom).

During the reign of King Opoku Ware, a war broke out around 1746, Tsala (Okomfo Anokye) sought permission from the king to visit his twin brother Tsali at Keteklebi (Fiaxor) to celebrate and fortify himself at the annual Dzawuwu celebration of Mama Adexe shrine before leading the Ashantis to the war which he won decisively for the Ashanti kingdom.”

Is it any wonder that we currently have Anloga in Kumasi? Is this not a testimony to the bonds of cooperation that must be maintained? Any call to the cessation of this cooperation must be considered as misplaced, in error and of no consequence.


Loving Regards With Thanks.