Opinions of Monday, 2 July 2012

Columnist: Thompson, Kofi

Nduom Must Deal Directly With The Supposed Skeletons

Paa Kwesi Nduom Must Deal Directly With The Supposed Skeletons In His Cupboard Now

By Kofi Thompson

Sometimes one wonders why with the many brilliant individuals in our country to seek advice from, so many Ghanaian politicians insist on surrounding themselves with an inner-circle of sycophants and third-rate individuals.

Why, with so many world-class individuals available in his personal network (some, like David Ampofo, even members of his party), whose expertise he can avail himself of, has Paa Kwesi Nduom not yet organised a press conference to deal directly with the rumours and accusations flying around about him?

For what it is worth, here is one's 2-pesewa free consultancy for him - from the selfsame altruistic source that first publicly suggested he form his own party.

Has forming his own party not given him the manoeuvring room and total control that eluded him when he wanted to leverage the incredible and unique historical narrative underpinning the CPP brand-name, which the Convention People's Party (CPP) is endowed with? So, one hopes he will listen to good free advice, once again, and profit from same.

In dealing with the allegations and rumours that bedevil him, account ought to be taken of the climate of fear existing during the period in question, and the latent threat of being dealt with physically, in brutal fashion, by myrmidon-types doing the bidding of the powers that be, then.

Self-preservation measures, taken by an imaginative and enterprising businessperson, to protect assets and market-share, in a nation ruled by a ruthless and murderous clique, with a history of extreme and arbitrary action, is perfectly reasonable justification for what in a period of normalcy, perhaps might be described as sharp practice.

Paa Kwesi Nduom ought to understand clearly that for any serious individual in contention for the presidency, it is a grave error of judgement to rely on clueless, self-serving and sycophantic hacks, to deal with baggage that simply won't go away if not confronted head on, once and for all. A word to the wise...

Tel 027 745 3109.

Email: peakofi.thompson@gmail.com