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General News of Monday, 2 April 2001

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NDC functionaries burgled

At least three top functionaries of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) are known to have been burgled within last week at their various places of residence in Accra, according the party's bi-weekly mouthpiece, The Ghanaian Democrat.

Mr Isaac Adjei Mensah, the former Minister for Works and Housing, now Deputy Minority Leader and MP for Techiman North played host to some hoodlums who broke into his official residence at Ridge late in the night last Monday and carried away some money, personal effects and a mobile phone.

The former deputy Minister of Defence, Dr. Tony Aidoo took his turn the following night when some uninvited guests broke into his residence at Sampa Villa near the Weija police barrier. The hoodlums broke into his car and removed the cassette radio and then entered the boy's quarters which they vandalised, having gained access into the building through the window and damaging the mosquito net in the process.

They then left a bunch of keys at the boys' quarters and fled.

The third NDC victim to suffer at the hands of burglars last week was Alhaji Issahaku Salia, the MP for Wa East whose residence at Manitvilla was also raided by unknown hoodlums. He also lost some unspecified amount of money and personal effects to the night marauders.

It would be recalled that early this year some thieves broke into the office of the National Treasurer of the NDC, Dr. Sydney Laryea, and carried away a whole safe containing some money.