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Soccer News of Monday, 8 July 2002

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Apam Secondary lifts Regional Minister's cup

Cape Coast (Central Region) -- Apam Secondary School, beat defending champions, Mfantsipim School 3-0 to lift the trophy in the finals of the Fifth Central Regional Minister's soccer competition, played at the Cape Coast Stadium on Friday.

The competition was introduced five years ago as a means of generating more interest in the sports. Mr Muniru Arafat, Cape Coast Municipal Chief Executive presented the trophy and a cash prize to the school while the runners up Mfantsipim School also received a cash prize.

Apam started strongly from kick-off and opened the scoring as early as the second minute through outside left George Gyabaa, who sneaked through an off side trap set by the Mfantsipim defence to score the opener. Inspired by this goal, their forward line kept their opponents vital area boiling, and in the 34th minute, centre forward John Egyir connected a pass from the right flank to nod home the second goal.

After recess, the defending champions made some changes to revitalise the team but that did not deter their opponents from adding yet another goal through Joseph Binie, bringing the full time score to 3-0.

In an address read on his behalf, the Regional Minister, Mr Isaac Edumadze was happy that the enthusiasm shown by the Regional Co-ordinating Council over the years had enabled schools in the region to achieve a lot in terms of sports.

Notable among them he said, were the winning of over-all trophy at the National Schools and Colleges Sports festivals in 1997 and 1999 and the impressive performance of soccer teams from the Cape Coast Technical Institute, Aggrey Memorial and Apam Secondary Schools at the Milo and Valco competitions.