Opinions of Friday, 26 February 2010

Columnist: Coffie, Emmanuel Dela

Kwesi Pratt should grow up or shut up

I listened to Kwasi Pratt's ill-informed and ill-conceived commentary on radio on which he hurled invectives and shamelessly spewed mindless drivel at the inimitable Jerry Rawlings.

Indeed, it was a jaw dropping experience and I decided to call a snob on it but could not contain my stance any more.

I couldn't help but to shrug my shoulders in utter disbelieve when I heard Kwesi's spiteful piece of commentary on Dr. Rawlings' criticism of President Mills.

Much as we have been taught in saner climes to respect opinions of persons on the other swing of subject matters, silence ceases to be golden when such persons exhbit partent lies.

This reprobate in a bid to earn the unenviable PHD (pull him downism) raised critical issues with Dr. Rawlings' critique of the President Mills which gravely ran fowl of the parameters of logic and intellectualism and one sorely a poor attempt at sophistry.

First, who the hell is this incorrigible arm-chair critic? Concrete facts emanating reveal how, after it dawned on this jug-head he could not aligned himself with Jerry Rawlings because of his corrupt activities, begged the powers that be at the Castle to be made unofficial spokesperson of President Mills. Clever as he is he arrogated to himself spokesperson of the 22 million Ghanaians.

This scum is obviously detached from reality and perhaps that explain why is so oblivious of happenings around him. The modus operandi of this arm-critic is well known contributing nothing positive but always at hand to throw jealous darts at successful people.

This sleazy commentator with scant regard for substance is yet to known that Jerry John Rawlings is a conscience of this nation.

This guy do not exhibit political and linguistic correctness in his constant critique of Jerry Rawlings and I wonder if it is just mercenary journalism, media irresponsibility or corporate greed.

In his usual predilection of betraying the truth and denigrating pillars of society, this ingrate mounted a sermon of preaching vile doctrines which seems logic only on his head and said that under Jerry Rawlings' regime, over four hundred Ghanaians were murdered in cold blood.

His scathing attack on Jerry Rawlings is tantamount to foolhardiness and complete wit and rubbish.

What beat my imagination is how this pea-headed guy took his gibberish talk to lofty height and danced naked before the intelligent people of Ghana. You also see him exposing his arrogance in ignorance when felt that Jerry Rawlings is no longer relevant to the NDC.

Dr. Rawlings is saturated with accomplishment that it need not be amplify by even hundred decibels.

Need we tell this critic that no vigorous campaign of calumny can diminish Rawlings enviable records.

Kwesi for sometime now has been operating like the proverbial Kweku Anansi who thought he owned the world. He successfully failed to co-ordinate his tongue and brain, in a such a manner that anything he says is outright devious, needlessly controversial and totally senseless. This corrupt journalist sees himself as a repository of knowledge before whom we should all bow for little mercies, and he want to nurture a path for us, In reality he do not even know our destination.

Whose interest is he serving besides his own in his campaign of reckless vilification against Dr. Rawlings?

Grapevine information even has it that, he and like minded individuals such as Alhaji Bature, uninspiring Owula Mongortey and other acerbic journalists have been sponsored to smear Jerry Rawlings because of his constant constructive criticism of President Mills.

The question to ask is where was Mr Pratt, when Jerry Rawlings brought Professor Mills from the lecture theater into the political limelight?

Why is Kwesi Pratt trying to be more catholic than the Pope? He cannot claim to love President Mills and the NDC government more than Jerry Rawlings. Kwesi should expend his energy on rebuilding the CPP and stop his unnecessary ranting and divisive vituperation. Â

The President must be weary of these charlatans and political vultures masquerading as loyalists who will do anything and everything in his interest to win his personal support for personal enrichment. President Mills owes his claim to fame to the benevolence of Jerry Rawlings and this scum must be told in plain language.

Kwesi, is that all that Ghanaians could benefit from your so-called experience in journalism? It is your fault, you have turned into journalist albino. I challenge you to distant yourself from ignorance, backstabbing, lies, malice, treachery, hatred, attrition and double standard or else posterity will hold your neck to the tie.

Kwesi's attack on Mr Rawlings is shameful beyond compare and unprofessional beyond belief. He is a paid agitator, anarchist and mercenary journalist. He is a scandalized man and his black propaganda against Jerry Rawlings will backfire. Ghanaians have already seen the deceit and the true colours of this pseudo journalist. Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

While free speech remains one of the enduring hallmark of civilized democracy, it has no room for eccentric declaration. Kwesi's hallucinatory squawk against Jerry Rawlings is reckless, slanderous, untenable, unguarded, irresponsible, grossly mischievous and extremely dirty to say the least. He is becoming a poster boy for ineptitude and crass behaviour. This prat guy should be mindful of his public utterance for he alone is not the repository of knowledge and intelligence. He speaks as if he is the only enlightened knowledgeable person in Ghana.

Whether we like it or not President Rawlings is our former President and he must be accorded all the privileges and respect that befit his status. Public humiliation of his character by the likes of Kwesi Pratt will not do anybody any good.

I call on all lovers of decency in our great country regardless of party affiliations to come down very hard on the FILTH associated with this PERSONA NON GRATA. He is an unmitigated disaster waiting to happen. Mr Pratt, it is your last warning, next time you lunch a critical attack, make sure it is against gods with clay feet or you end up as microdot at the footnote of history.

I rest my case!

Emmanuel Dela Coffie

The Writer is a student journalist. emmanuelcoffie488@yahoo.com