Opinions of Thursday, 10 November 2011

Columnist: Ocansey, Michael

Kuzima.com - Where consumers can shame and praise service providers

Press Release

Don’t some of these banks just drive you crazy? Oh, and the mobile operators. Wait, the electricity company too... and water.. the VAT office... Of course and the Police as well as this restaurant or that shop. There is so much poor customer service in the air...

Now YOU as a consumer can SHAME all poor service providers and PRAISE the good ones as well. That's what www.kuzima.com is here for.

With the constant influx of foreign investors and entrepreneurs into our country, it is about time service providers stopped taking consumers for a ride and stepped up their game by putting on their world class customer service cloaks. The kind of customer care we deserve as customers who actually pay for these services and the kind foreigners are used to at home.

Ghana in recent times has been a positive beacon in the West African sub region and has also made some inroads globally with its recent Oil findings and soccer successes, not to mention its political stability. The last thing we want denting that reputation is the constant poor quality of services we receive almost everywhere. The banks, supermarkets, taxis, government offices. Everywhere!

www.kuzima.com is FREE to use and 100% community driven. Just go to www.kuzima.com

The website is very simple to navigate and very focused on just allowing consumers to share their positive or negative experiences either by shaming or praising companies. These comments are then collated and emailed to the Customer Care departments of the various companies on a weekly basis. The onus then rests with the companies' departments to take action and they will if we keep shaming the bad nuts.

Since the devices we mostly have on us are our cell phones, Kuzima has been designed to work on mobile devices too, the iPhone and most Android-based phones for now. We will be supporting more devices over time.

Kuzima was coined from the Swahili word "Kusema" which means to speak and is the brainchild of Kursor Solutions, a web and mobile applications development company based in Accra, Ghana. The idea to build this website came from the constant frustrations we have had dealing with different companies in different sectors in the country. Especially when we were paying for those services. Kursor Solutions has also developed other solutions. Visit www.kursorsolutions.com to learn more.

Note to Editors

- For more information please contact Michael Ocansey on +233 244 262784 or +233 20 1100011 or mike@kuzima.com

- Michael is available for interviews any week day between 10am and 5pm

- Kuzima logo available here: http://images.kuzima.com/inhouse/logo-large.png

- Picture of Michael Ocansey: https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/217676_10150113732984058_603189057_5657875_1804653_n.jpg