Opinions of Sunday, 25 December 2011

Columnist: Sam, Charles Augustus Nana Banyin

It's Or Time to build

The trend of politics and governance is changing globally for the better with beneficiary citizens experiencing rapid quality transformation of their lives and that of their nations. It however appears that Ghana is unwilling to follow this competitive trend as we nervously watch political leaders across-board and across the divide, gleefully debase serving leadership standards required of 21st century leaders to that of the 18th century. Priority focus has clearly been shifted from their largely tax payer paid, core responsibility of investing the bulk of their energies to formulate thoroughly-researched, well thought-out, creative, globally-competitive policies and backed by strategic implementation, to misguided, unintelligent, ill-informed public discussion of national development issues and backed by partial, non or poor implementation. The search for revolutionary, pragmatic, rapid transformation modules (solutions) that would dramatically improve the lives of the most venerable in our society and significantly raise the living standards of the rest of us, has been callously replaced with the search for rapid personal wealth and revolutionary change in the pockets, home safes, car boots, bank accounts and invest portfolios of politicians who are all out to fulfil their black dreams.

In a 21st century world where the most credible political philosophy is finding solutions to age-old, present and future challenges, successive governments paid by the sweating tax-paying labourer, market woman, artisan, street hawkers, teacher, fisherman, night soil carrier, farmer, factory hand, petty trader, street sweepers, gutter cleaners, civil servant, entrepreneur, taxi-tro-tro,bus-truck driver and nurse, have failed to successfully energize the nation’s human resources (most especially the youth) into creative and productive enterprise.

Whilst patriotic personnel of our cherished security agencies dutifully watch over them and their families day and night at great public expense, a strategic investment by the good people of this country who have always nursed high expectations of a bright future, our politicians are engaged in a never-ending cycle of disputing mediocre economic growth statistics and figures on an NDC-NPP balance sheet that fails woefully to address our crucial aspiration of rapidly catching up with the family of civilization and positive thinking through serious economic transformation. Rather than put an ambitious dream on the table for serious public discourse, demonstrate capability, and inspire us to challenge ourselves to aggressively pursue greater possibilities for a lightening-speed catch up with nations far ahead of us and to compete with them, our politicians have become mutual congratulation experts. Congratulations for starting the race with a better GDP than South Korea and now tailing disgracefully behind her. Congratulations for mediocrity. What a raw deal!

Paradoxically, at 54, when the nation should be re-inventing itself in such a manner that the vast potentials of the youth would be realised, our politicians have taken us down the garden path of massive corruption, peace-threatening insults and violence, politics of acrimony, diverted attention from our core development agenda, nation-wrecking ethno-centrism, grand deception schemes, heart-breaking betrayals, hell-bound immorality, wanton destruction, depravation, mass poverty and hopelessness. Being compelled to add the titles “Excellency” and “Honourable” to the names of some of them, past and present serving, when some of their actions make them undeserving of these respectable titles, is a gut-wrenching exercise for many. Indeed there politicians who have been engaged in actions that clearly border on criminality by any civilized standard. I have always maintained that the vehicle of democracy is very ideal for development but some of the actors who have operated and continue to operate the vehicle have made it look very distasteful to a large chunk of youth and our masses.

With a date with destiny and the future belonging to those who build and not those who destroy, Ghana’s New Generation brimming with huge ambition, fresh ideas, talent, energy, enthusiasm to change the status quo, and hope, has demonstrated capacity, capability and commitment to break away from the failed past (old order), to build a New Ghana. “The New Ghana Non-Violent Non-Partisan Knowledge-Based Revolution” promoted by the Golden Future Promotions & New Ghana Movement vehicles, is a new generation agenda to be co-promoted by all new generation Ghanaians in Ghana and the Diaspora nursing big dreams that they are committed to working to achieve. They should be willing to pay the price to arm themselves with 21st century nation-building knowledge (cutting across all spheres on national life), create 21st century globally-competitive enterprises, committed to thinking out of the box in a new way. They should be people who are innovative, who are committed to driving radical change for a complete turnaround, limitless achievers, who want to develop to themselves into 21stcentury political, corporate, educational, religious, traditional leaders and more, to eventually replace the older generation in a non-violent orderly manner. Let’s cut out the blame game of the past, add value to ourselves as well as all around us and aggressively pursue greater possibilities for golden future.

A superior generation is the name of the success game. It’s a Revolution of the Mind, Behaviour and World View. It’s Destiny Time. It’s The Revolution of Our Time. It Is Coming Out of The Belly of The Old, Add 21st Century Value To Our Lives Through Relevant Knowledge and Taking Over The Old To Transform It. Start By Doing Things Differently From The Old Order Where Ever You Find Yourself. Let A Remarkable Difference Be Seen In Your Thinking, Actions, And Your Lifestyle From Now On. God Lay To Rest The Old Ghana & Bless The Rise of The New Ghana. Yes we can!! Merry Christmas

Charles Sam, CEO – Golden Future Promotions Tel : +233 (0) 244 685689 Email : goldnfuture@yahoo.com