Opinions of Thursday, 16 June 2016

Columnist: Arthur K

In celebration of exemplary journalism

Arthur-Kobina Kennedy Arthur-Kobina Kennedy

Ghanaians frequently complain about our journalists. We accuse them of laziness, not asking tough questions, being too partisan and being corrupt, etc. While these charges are true of many journalists, there are many good journalists.

This week, we have seen two examples of exceptional work by journalists.

Earlier in the week, Adom Fm's morning show, led by Captain Smart, did some live reporting from the Komenda Sugar factory to let the nation know the state of affairs.

This morning, the Joy fm investigative team, led by Manasseh Azure Awuni reported that a Burkinabe contractor, Djibril Kanazoe, has given a gift of a vehicle worth 100000 USD to the President while doing business with the government of Ghana.

While there may be quibbles with the details of these reports, they are both examples of exemplary journalism.

We certainly need to commend the journalists involved.

There may still be questions about Komenda but the Adom team laid a lot of them to rest.

There may still be answers relating to gifts versus bribes and whether the vehicle is now the property of the government or the President, but the Joyfm team has raised fundamental questions about integrity, corruption and our governance and we should commend them for it.

Let us celebrate the work of the men and women who did this-all of them. It is a tad inconsistent to praise one and damn the other, from a nationalistic and patriotic perspective.

God bless Ghana.

Writer's email: arthur.kennedy97@yahoo.com