Opinions of Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Columnist: Joe Kingsley Eyiah

If you can read this, thank a teacher

Teachers have been celebrated all over the world Teachers have been celebrated all over the world

October 5, 2015 was World Teachers’ Day again. This day is a special day for the appreciation of teachers and I salute all my teachers, especially my Middle Form 2 teacher who we nick-named ‘Mr. Orangutan’ and my favorite head teacher, Mr Kumi (of blessed memory) all of the Agona Swedru Salvation Army Middle School in Ghana.

I was sad that in Ontario, Canada, teachers before the COVID-19 pandemic this year had to result to industrial action to get the Ontario PC government to meet the teachers demand (expired work contract) of better service conditions including smaller class sizes for effective teaching and learning. Even in the midst of the pandemic this school year, the issue of class size has not be well addressed by the PC government in Ontario.

This has made social distancing which is one of the most important measures to control the spread of the coronavirus a laughable matter in Ontario public schools. Some schools in Toronto have had to be closed recently after reopening due to the spread of COVID-19 in those schools.

Elsewhere, teachers are murdered in the classroom in the line of duty with some students and by some students. In USA alone, for example, about 34 school shootings during which teachers were victims have been recorded over the past four years. In other countries, teachers suffer insults and abuse from parents whose children are under their supervision for most part of the day.

World Teachers’ Day as instituted by the United Nations (UN) celebrates the role teachers play in providing quality education at all levels. This enables children and adults of all ages to learn to take part in and contribute to their local community and global society. Education is the key to development everywhere and teachers whose role in education is very crucial must be respected and honored everywhere.

Now teachers over the world have joined nurses, doctors and person support workers as frontline workers as they go back to school during this pandemic. The second wave of COVID-19 is here and my prayers are with all frontline workers including classroom teachers who are ‘producers’ of ALL professionals for the development of our economies, and for that matter, our nations.

AYEKOO to teachers all over the world! Happy Teachers’ Day!!