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General News of Monday, 18 January 2021


I’II be surprised if Muntaka’s allegation turns out to be true - Fmr Chief Justice

The immediate former Chief Justice Madam Sophia Akuffo has described the allegation by Muntaka Mubarak of bribery against a Supreme judge as bizarre.

In her view, the allegation is not only outrageous but an attack on the bench adding, she would be surprised if it turns out to be true.

Speaking in an interview with Joy News, she said the allegation does not sound plausible.

Madam Akuffo further opined that it also unattainable for the Asawase MP to allege that the said judge promised to give the children of the MP who the attempt was made on, free education at all levels.

According to her, if the allegation is true, he (Mubarak) has to be bold and disclose the identity of the judge involved because his failure to name the judge has dented the image of 16 other judges of the apex court.

She said she is against allegations without concrete evidence.

To her, the MP has defamed the judges in a casual manner.

She wants the matter to be investigated and the MP punished if it turns out that the allegation is false.

Chief Whip of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Caucus in Parliament Muntaka Mubarak last week accused a Supreme Court judge of trying to influence the outcome of the Speakership elections for the 8th Parliament.

He alleged the said judge promised to offer an inducement should the person vote in favour of the New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) Speaker nominee, Prof Aaron Mike Oquaye.

But Madam Akuffo says the allegation is not plausible.

“I don’t think it is true. I choose to believe it is not true…the whole thing is bizarre, really it is and I will be very very surprised if it’s true. Does it sound plausible to you? Objectively, does it sound plausible to you?”