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Opinions of Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Columnist: Agyeiwaa et al

Ghana's ascension as an international education hub: A comprehensive analysis of key factors

Ghana's education sector has undergone a remarkable transformation, propelling it to the forefront of international education discussions. This paper investigates the factors that have led to Ghana's emergence as a hub of education in Africa and beyond.

Delegations from the UK, South Africa, and Gambia:

Over the past two years, Ghana has hosted influential delegations from the UK's Education Department, the South African Council of Educators, and Gambia. These visits underscore the international recognition of Ghana's educational achievements and innovative practices. These delegations came to Ghana to glean insights and best practices, reflecting Ghana's growing status as a global educational leader.

STEM Education Implementation:

Ghana's strategic implementation of STEM education has played a pivotal role in its ascent as an international education hub. The commitment of the Ghanaian government to invest in STEM education has equipped students with the critical skills needed for the modern world. The curriculum reform and infrastructure development associated with STEM education have bolstered Ghana's position on the global education stage.

Transformation Agenda by Hon. Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum:

The transformational leadership of Hon. Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, Ghana's Minister for Education, has been instrumental in reshaping the country's education landscape. His ambitious agenda has focused on improving access to quality education, teacher training, and infrastructure development. This comprehensive approach has garnered national and international attention.

Minister's Speeches at the UN Assembly and in Kenya:

The impactful speeches delivered by Hon. Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum at the United Nations Assembly and in Kenya have resonated on a global scale. These speeches highlighted Ghana's commitment to quality education, gender equality, and the achievement of sustainable development goals. The Minister's eloquence, passion, and dedication have positioned Ghana as a leader in the quest for quality education worldwide.

UK Government Initiative:

The UK government's initiative to engage surplus teachers from Ghana to teach in the UK underscores the quality of Ghana's education system and its teachers. The recognition of Ghanaian educators as valuable assets to the UK education sector reinforces Ghana's global reputation in education.


Ghana's elevation as a hub of education in Africa and beyond over the past two years can be attributed to a confluence of factors, including visits by international delegations, the successful implementation of STEM education, and the visionary leadership of Hon. Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum. Additionally, the Minister's impactful speeches on the international stage have amplified Ghana's influence in global education discourse. The UK government's initiative to engage surplus teachers from Ghana further solidifies Ghana's prominence in the field of education. Collectively, these factors have positioned Ghana as a significant player in education, not only regionally but also on the global stage.

Writers: Agyeiwaa, Allotey-Pappoe, Sarpong & Sarpong