Opinions of Friday, 23 November 2018

Columnist: Charles Addai

Ghana is becoming a Banana Republic part 2

Banana Republic Banana Republic

In the Banana Republics, there is a cunning hypocrisy from governance to law, public institutions to private enterprises and from religion to politics.

All aspects of society are existing to siphon money for selfish, lavish and extravagant lifestyles at the expense of the vulnerable masses.

State institutions and corporations like the Health care providers, Electricity Company, Ports and Harbors Authority and the Public Transport Company, just to mention a few, have been hijacked by deviant staff members and employees for their pleasure while the country keeps on borrowing billions of dollars to sustain the ailing institutions and the economy.

The private enterprises are doing well to provide jobs for a fraction of the massive unemployed graduates but at peanut salaries and wages.

Meanwhile, the canker of tax evasion is in the private sector. The collective hands of a Banana Republic is indented with perforations.

Politics of the Poor Masses. The poor masses who are been fooled by top political parties also have their own level of level of corruption, naivety and indecency.

Go to the market to clear the sellers from the pavement and you will realize how massive you will lose elections.

Ask for the price of a T-shirt or a pair of shoes and you are given inflated prices. There is 419 in the market.

Superstition and Prophetic Industry. The caricature of a banana republic is made worse by superstition of the populace and a growing number of false prophets. In the Christian Bible, noted number prophets are a little over 100 if not less.

Some 45 Banana Republics in just one continent are boasting of 45,000-450,000 so-called prophets. Even though, religiously Islamic countries have been excluded.

The numbers of numerous pastors, preachers and archbishops were also excluded from the calculator to save your head from explosion.

The foundation of the Banana Republic is buckling and the future can just be imagined.