Opinions of Thursday, 8 November 2018

Columnist: Kwesi Asamoah

Ghana Maritime Authority (GMA) must be purged

Kwame Owusu, Maritime Boss Kwame Owusu, Maritime Boss

Corruption scandals by politically appointed Heads of Government Departments are gradually getting out of hand and the recent one at GMA is no exception. The New Patriotic Party (NPP) government must realize that the New Democratic Congress (NDC) is busy taking notes of all corruption scandals.

The Director-General (D-G) of Ghana Maritime Authority, Mr. Kwame Owusu was recently accused of numerous corrupt deals running into millions of Ghana Cedis for which arrogant and irresponsible press responses from him have been published:

the residence of the D-G was renovated for over GhS 1 million, the inflated cost of an end-of-year party, issues with the D-G’s two passports.

But who leaked the memo on the end-of-year party expenses to the press? Reliable and impeccable sources hint that the GMA is filled with NDC members (90%). The remaining 10% are ‘aliens’ in their government department.

There is therefore the need for a two-pronged purging:

corrupt officials must be handed over to the State Prosecutor, hard core NDC employees whose allegiance is to their Party and not the State and who have vowed to bring GMA down must be transferred to pave the way for patriotic Ghanaians to take over.

Available evidence point to the fact that the one who leaked the memo doctored it. Such nation wreckers must not be entertained.

Both corrupt officials and the fraudulent employees must be sacked.

Kwesi Asamoah,

Dallas, Texas.