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General News of Saturday, 21 November 2020


Death threats on Amidu’s life bad – Nimako

A private legal practitioner and Member of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) Gary Nimako has condemned the death threats on the life of former Special Prosecutor Martin Amidu.

He told Abena Tabi on the Key Points Programme on TV3 Saturday November 21 that if the claims are anything to go by, then it is bad because he served his nation and has decided to retire.

“I think that basically, he came to serve his nation and at a point in time he decided to go back and take his retirement and rest, I don’t see why anybody should threaten him, it is not worth it.

“If indeed the threats allegations are true I don’t see why because he said he has resigned people should threaten him. He should be allowed to take his retirement in peace,” Mr Nimako said.

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has directed the Inspector General of Police (IGP), James Oppong Boanuh, to provide the former Special Prosecutor police protection over claims of death threats on his life.

Martin Amidu resigned as Special Prosecutor on Monday, November 16, citing interference from the presidency and threats on his life as some of his reasons.

Though the president has denied the allegations of interference, Mr. Amidu insists his work on the corruption risk assessment on the Agyapa Royalties agreement was interfered with by the president.

He reiterated his life has come under threat since then.

But a November 19 evening Facebook post by the Director of Communications at the Presidency, Eugene Arhin, announced the president has directed that Mr. Amidu be protected 24/7.

“The attention of the Office of the President has been drawn to claims by Mr Martin Amidu, the former Special Prosecutor, of threats made against his life since his resignation from office. The President has, thus, directed the Inspector General of Police to provide Mr Amidu immediately with 24-hour police protection.”

The president also urged the former Special Prosecutor to assist the security agencies with all relevant information for further action.

“The former Special Prosecutor is also encouraged to assist the police with details of persons who have made these threats against his life, so that they can be dealt with in accordance with the laws of the country.”

Also sharing his perspectives on this development on the Key Points programme, a legal practitioner and member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Godwin Edudzi Tameklo said “Death threats om any Ghanaian whether Special Prosecutor or anybody ought to be taken seriously by the security agencies.

“It is extremely worrying that on the basis of this corruption risk assessment done on the Agyapa deal, there will be threats on the life of the Special Prosecutor. Why in God’s name would we do this?

This corruption conversation is bilateral. There will always be people who will be implicated and then the persons who will do the investigations.

“So when the people do the investigations and immediately their lives are placed under threats it becomes problematic.”