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Opinions of Saturday, 5 November 2022

Columnist: Leslie Koroma Sr

Congratulations to Nigeria on becoming the first nation in Africa to design and approve a National Sports Industry Policy

Africa Sports Ventures Group organizer of the first ever Pan African Sports Business Summit in Africa (2020) wishes to Congratulate the Government of Nigeria on the approval of a National Sports INDUSTRY Policy. This is a major and massive step in formalizing the Sports sector as a significant contributor to national development in all facets but most importantly, economically as an engine for Job creation. Nigeria becomes the first African nation to take this all too important and bold step that is more than necessary in an age that has seen the sports sector become a major contributor to economic growth in many nations across the world accounting for 5 percent or more of GDP's. With a teeming youth demographic and an overall national population size exceeding 200 million it is of the utmost significance and urgency that providing for and seeking the welfare of the entire nation through the creation of opportunities and channels for its citizens to provide for themselves through gainful employment is paramount in the governments efforts. Sports has now been formally thrown in the mix as one of the vehicles to alleviate the lack of opportunities and a means of giving millions of Nigerians the ability to honorably fend for themselves. The Sports INDUSTRY Policy will formalize and legalize many processes that till now have been conducted informally with little or no impact on the national economy thereby unable to help in alleviating unemployment which is a major conundrum for Nigeria and most if not all African nations. It is a step in the right direction and should be loudly applauded. For the cynics and party poppers rather than scoff at it give it a chance to manifest and please dont hesitate to throw your support behind it to see it succeed. Because it is in your best interest and especially so the millions of young men and women roaming the country jobless. Special Kudos to the Minister of Sports, Hon. Sunday Dare and his team that includes but not limited to Special Adviser, Olympian and National Hero Mary Onyali on leading the charge in this effort. Other African nations should now follow suit. No need to be shy ... pursue it by putting together a focus group to conduct the requisite research and design your own National Sports INDUSTRY Policy and set Africa on a path to prosperity through Sports. The African Union Sports Council and the Africa Free Trade Area AfCTFA Secretariat based in Ghana should take notice and step in to facilitate and aid the widespread adoption of a Sports Industry Policy emmasse across the continent to enhance the economic transformation they seek for Africans.