Opinions of Thursday, 5 November 2015

Columnist: Barimah Amoaning Samuel

Building self-confidence in the Ghanaian lady

Opinion Opinion

How do you feel as a lady when you see your favorite female television presenter? How about that celebrated movie actress you have always wanted to be like? Honestly, they did not show up on the planet with it, in fact, no one possess it at all times, I am referring to self-confidence.

To be self-confident is to be secure in yourself and your abilities, it's a feeling of trust in someone or something. To be self-confident is to have confidence in yourself and to refuse to doubt or underestimate your capabilities.

The Ghanaian lady has particular difficulty developing her self-confidence. Most of the time they instinctively focus on everyone apart from themselves, hence taking time to build confidence does not come naturally.

Our Girls often are encouraged to be passive, and not too daring or confident. This is seen right from their upbringing by their folks and the way the society moulds them. This self-development article is designed to bring to light down to earth and practical measures of instilling confidence in the Ghanaian lady.

First and foremost, there is the need to have a strong believe in yourself and to take responsibilities for yourself. Do not be intimidated, this is not a difficult task, it is simply a mindset.

This is the first and most important ingredient in the self-confidence formula. You need to have the mindset that you and only you alone can make new things available in your life. Never sit down and expect the Holy Grail from elsewhere; for you will be waiting a long time. Realize that the path toward self-confidence is one that you will have to travel alone no one else can do it for you.

Think about this; most Ghanaian women go to church and pray for God to give them caring and well to do men as husbands in life. In fact, this is one of the wildest dreams of most young Ghanaian ladies.

It means you have allowed your system to accept the fact that without the ‘so called affluent man’ you cannot achieve success independently. I do not rebuke the fact that every woman needs a man in their life; however men should not be seen as the only engine in our vehicle of success. Take charge of your own life and believe you are the architecture of your future.

As a young lady or woman, the materials you read, the audios you listen to and the videos you watch play a vital role in valuing yourself to be more confident. I have noticed something interesting among Ghanaian ladies and perhaps you too have noticed that.

Ghanaian ladies show very keen interest in reading. But if you happen to be one of them, ask yourself that what materials do I read? Their readings are mostly based on fictions that hold beautiful story line. If you are really serious about building self-confidence as a lady, then you need to abreast yourself with self-development materials to aid in boosting your self-esteem.

You do not know what those are? Example is the article you are reading presently. Such materials will teach you how to be self-discipline, write your goals, identify your passion, and become successful and all the means by which you can improve yourself being. Hurry, get to the closest library, ask of self-development books, jump onto the internet; there are a lot online for free downloading in pdf and other readable forms. After some time, you will feel and act more confident deeply from inside than you ever dreamed of.

Begin to be adventurous and experiment with life to try new things. When was the last time you went for jogging alone? Or tried to fix the bulb without calling your big brother? Try something new. Go out to dinner alone. Take a class in an unfamiliar subject area. Teach yourself how to repair a phone. Testing your abilities at new endeavors is a wonderful way to learn that you can rely on yourself.

Develop an action plan and enforce its implementation. Select one area for personal or professional development. Identify the steps you will take to get there and challenge yourself to achieve the target.

Avoid giving excuses for your implementation and strive to achieve it; after sometime, such tasks will be even fascinating and more intriguing. Each time you achieve one target; there will be an increment in your overall self-confidence level.

I asked a young lady who her mentor was and she mentioned the fellow’s name. I further asked her to mention three qualities of the person’s successful life she is emulating, and there was silence. Which successful woman in our society that you think is very confident and continues to take one new risk after another?

Study how they do this, learn about their life stories and possibly muster up the courage to meet them personally. The issue with mentorship is not about ideally focusing on only one particular person. You should take cognizance that a lot of people can be your mentor and those you look up to in the society so far as their attitude intrigues you.

The truth is, I am only making known to you the already existing confidence that resides in you. The worst crime you could ever commit in life is to under-estimate yourself and not believe in yourself as a beautiful being of unceasing potentials.

What are you waiting for? Don’t just be mere reader of this article, take action to be more confident as a lady and remember the sky is even your starting point.

Author : Barimah Amoaning Samuel
E-mail: amoaningsamuel666@gmail.com