Entertainment of Thursday, 27 October 2016

Source: enterghana.com

Why I changed from Abortion to Coded

Coded of 4x4 Coded of 4x4

Your name says a lot about you; signifies who you are and as well has an impact on you and more.

Coded of 4×4 has finally revealed why he had to change his name from Abortion to Coded. According to him, he got to a point that he thinks Abortion just doesn’t fit him.

On Metro TV. he said “It got to a point in my career that I think Abortion just doesn’t fit my brand anymore. So I reflected over and over again and then I came up with Coded”.

On why Coded, he disclosed,

“I’m very secretive, always want to do my things on the low so yes, that was why I went in for Coded. Abortion just doesn’t fit the brand any longer”.