In a heartwarming and unexpected happening, a man believed to be 'mentally challenged' amazed onlookers when he flawlessly began singing one of Charles Kwadwo Fosu, popularly known as Daddy Lumba's hit songs, "Makra Mo," word-for-word.
This happened at a funeral.
The uplifting incident left bystanders in awe of the man's musical memory, with some asking if the man was indeed mentally challenged.
From the video shared by an X user, @eddie_wrt, the man is clearly seen miming to the tune with joy, as the 'Makra Mo' blasted out from the loud speakers at the funeral ground.
Captivated by the man's performance, he was handed a microphone, now allowing him to step into the spotlight and deliver the song.
As the man showcased his impressive musical abilities, astonished spectators were moved to show their appreciation by offering him money during his performance.
Ghana’s leading digital news platform, GhanaWeb, in conjunction with the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, is embarking on an aggressive campaign which is geared towards ensuring that parliament passes comprehensive legislation to guide organ harvesting, organ donation, and organ transplantation in the country.
This me and him right there
— YAW SANOGO (@YawSanogo) November 25, 2023
A madman stole the show at a funeral yesterday as he sings Daddy Lumba's hit song word for word.
— EDHUB????ℹ (@eddie_wrt) November 26, 2023
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