The platform you know and love is evolving and is getting ready to deliver more thought-provoking content to its growing audience of discerning readers. On Saturday, December 9th 2017 join us for the launch of siro360, a new and invigorating content experience.
Our new name hints at our mission. Siro means Voice in Guan, a dialect of one of Ghana’s tribes. At siro360 our mission is to give voice to the authentic African story and our vision is to create a space to express African stories that transform a generation.
Many people including many Africans have an opinion of the continent that has been shaped by media, politics, events and interests that dwell outside the African continent. We have been told who we are and mostly been prescribed what others believe we deserve.
It’s time to start boldly telling the often hidden stories everyone is afraid of telling and having confronting discussions that challenge preconceived notions, grow our appreciation of our diversity and raise our tolerance of each other. The mainstream news does not tell the entire story.
There are too many voices, opinions, opportunities and realities that are lost and ignored because they are not easy to consume or house ideas that could be considered taboo, embarrassing or just too niche to deserve an audience. These are stories we believe deserve our attention and this is where siro360 will focus her energy to shine light and look for answers to some of our most pertinent questions.
What to expect
At you can expect to find analytical, opinionated, realistic and bold content under our Spotlight, Voices, Inside, Happening, and Explore tabs.