Entertainment of Monday, 15 July 2019

Source: ghbase.com

Sex between 12am and 2am produces a male child – Yaa Pono reveals

Yaa Pono Yaa Pono

There exist several theories and myths about how couples can get their choice of sex (male or female) in reference to child bearing.

Some of the ways or theories although scientifically proven but not 100% reliable perhaps so as the newest theory or if you like myth put forth by Ghanaian rapper Yaa Pono.

According to the above-mentioned rapper, chances of conceiving a male child is high when couples especially himself adopts strategy of having sexual intercourse between the hours of 12am and 2am.

Originally named Solomon Adu Antwi, in an interview with Miriam Osei-Agyemang on Urban Blend Show on 3FM, Ponobiom revealed that he comes from a family of fourteen sisters and will want to change the status quo this time.

He however sounded optimistic that when his timing is right as far as sex is concerned he will have a male for a child. His comments came as part of the struggles he was sharing about his life including marriage, work and family.