Entertainment of Sunday, 29 May 2016

Source: elcrema.com

Relationship: 7 kissing mistakes you should avoid making

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A bad kiss might ruin your chances of having another kiss. So many people are guilty of these kissing mistakes and the sad truth is that only few actually know.

Find out the kissing mistakes you might be guilty of below

Using too much teeth

A little biting of the lips during kissing is cool but avoid biting your partner’s lips like you want to have them for dinner.

Staying at the same speed

Avoid staying at the same speed while kissing. Spice up your kissing game by changing gears during kissing. Use less tongue sometimes and a little more at times.

Bad breath

Except you intend ruining your partner’s life with your bad breath, avoid kissing with a bad breath. Keep your mouth fresh by popping in a mint or some gum.

Using too much tongue or not using it

Please don’t do this. I wonder what goes through the head of people who do this. Do you intend drilling oil in your partner’s mouth? Please keep your tongue in check. And just because I said using too much tongue is bad is no reason to use no tongue at all.

Kissing like a dead log of wood

Except you are carrying the weight of the problems in the world on your shoulders, you shouldn’t kiss this way as it makes kissing boring. Avoid acting stiff while kissing. Be fluid.

Kissing with your eyes open

Except you are trying to be look creepy and weird, this is something you shouldn’t do while kissing. You are supposed to be immersed in the act.

Not using your hands

Your mouth isn’t the only part of your body that should be involved while kissing. Use your hands by holding your partner close, running your hands through your partner’s hair, placing them on the back of your partner’s neck or grasping your partner’s waist.