"Big up to Rashida is enough to thank Rashida" money cant pay for that hype I gave her in the song, generations will still come and hear Rashida's name in the song".
This was a response from Kofi Kinata to host of "Hangout with KBA" on Wizgh TV, Kweku Bee Abrante on whether he paid or compensated Rashida for the use of her popular term "Malafaka" which Kofi Kinata used in his song.
Kofi Kinata continued that, Rashida doesn't own the term Malafaka, but only made it popular so he could have still used the term without acknowledging her but he rather decided to big her up in the song as a way of thanking her.
Giving the motive for the song, Malafaka he said the term is to do away with any negative mentality one associates to you.