Multiple award-winning Nigerian musician Patoranking has been selected to perform at the FIFA fan festival at the upcoming World Cup in Qatar. The Afrobeats star would join global superstars, including Aseel and Skakosh, who would entertain a global audience during the World Cup period, which kicks off on November 20, 2022. At this year’s festival, Patoranking will perform on November 28, while Aseel is slated to perform on December 2, and Shakosh is booked for December 12 at this year’s festival. Other artists to perform at this year’s festival include Gims, Julian Marley, the Uprising, and the Miami Band, among others. Unfortunately, no Ghanaian artiste was selected to perform at the festival despite the participation of the Black Stars at this year’s world football showpiece. The Black Stars would play Portugal, South Korea, and Uruguay in a tough Group H.