Ghanaian comedian Derrick Kobinna Bonney who delivered on his promise to crack ribs on the UPSA stop of #DKBLiVE tour, as he teamed up with the likes of Bisa Kdei, Foster, MzVee and many more with sponsorship from DJ COLA to make the event a memorable one, has again stepped out to make an assuring statement.
As the #DKBLiVE train prepares to storm University of Ghana Legon Campus on Thursday the 20th, DKB has assured fans of perfection.
"Artists are aggressively rehearsing, some top musicians have planned to surprise the audience and Top Entertainers have also confirmed their attendance” DKB stated. It is no news that the whole of Legon is geared up with social media buzz, with "non-Legonites" also demanding for tickets.
DKB stated that he is aware of the ongoing tension at the Republic of Legon and sees himself as a "Messiah" sent to lighten the mood. When asked of the level of impact he intended to make, the acclaimed humorist said "My comedy show in Legon will be bigger than my head”.
The show also features Legon's first son Khemikal, Sarkodie Achempong Aunty Mary, Idiot James Brown, NaturalFaCe, D2 and many more.
It’s not too late; you can book your tickets by calling 0577230000.
Sponsored by DJ COLA, Afrostar TV, Yfm 107.9, Gold Coast clothing, Wood films, Chapters Couture, Viasat1 with support from campus base TV, Lynnx TV, Zone 36,,, flex newspaper, Graphic showbiz,, ,,, Flexnewspaper,,,,, BlaqsheepEnt, stepoutghana, Bullhaus entertainment ,,,, purple haze,,,, worldwide,