Entertainment of Saturday, 10 October 2020

Source: sammykaymedia.com

Mimi Adani calls Naana Blu a criminal

CEO of Quophimens musiq, Stephen Mensah, Singer Naana Blu and Mimi Andani play videoCEO of Quophimens musiq, Stephen Mensah, Singer Naana Blu and Mimi Andani

Director for NMJ Ghana and C.E.O for darling records, Mimi Andani in an interview with Sammy Kay on the Go online show has asserted that her ‘artiste’ Naana Blu is a criminal.

She indicated that since crime has no expiry date, she will definitely take on Naana Blu and her current management to the court of law for them to answer questions on contract breaches.

The former big brother Africa star, Mimi Andani indicated that she is patiently waiting for her investment on Naana Blu to mature to enable her rake in her dividends at the right time.

Being a pillar for the orgainsation of the Golden Movie Awards, she touched on the award scheme by indicating that the delay of this year’s Award is due to the outbreak of the novel Coronavirus.

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