Entertainment of Thursday, 8 September 2016

Source: Naa Dedei Botchwey

Lifestyle: 7 benefits of daydreaming

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Growing up, at least, a few people in each of my circles once made the statement: “You like to day dream, right?” the most embarrassing of those times being when class was in session, and the last time this happened was my second year in college.

I would usually say no even when I had been caught in the act; indeed, there is a considerable lot to be concerned about when it comes to daydreaming.

And when your daydreaming is as chronic as mine used to be, you may find that you have a hard time concealing it. But looking back now, I realise there is so much to be proud of as a daydreamer, and here is why:

It boosts your creativity: Yes, it does! Day dreaming is a form of expanding your mind; like working math, exploring science or writing fiction. This is a great way to boost your creativity.

Day dreaming, like writing fiction or painting, expands itself. If you actually enjoy what you are imagining, you may go on and on and on- a dream. And as you may know already, creativity is gained the more you use it; which would mean that the more you day dream, the more creative you get with the twists and turns of your story.

Like any trade or venture, the more you practice, the better you get. The creativity you obtain from day dreaming will come in handy when you work on real life projects, especially for writers and designers!

It improves your focus: Can you recall any of your daydreaming experiences? Do you remember how you shockingly got lost and even though your eyes were wide open and you were probably in a very noisy environment, you got so sucked into your imagination that you could neither see nor hear nor smell anything around you? Though you may be unaware, your mind is simultaneously practicing the art of focus during this time.

And more likely than not, the more you daydream, the more practice your mind gets, and the better it becomes at being focused.

Day dreamers are more independent: Wondering what the connection is, between daydreaming and self-sufficiency? If you’re an introvert, you probably don’t have a problem with staying quiet and on your own. But if you’re an extrovert like me, then sitting alone is torture. But of course, you’ve got to do it sometimes.

Day dreaming is a great way to communicate with your imaginary friends, while you stay away from your real life friends for a while, thereby feigning your ‘independence’ which gives you credit, anyway. High five!

Since your creativity is enhanced through day dreaming, you are very likely to obtain some useful ideas to keep you busy. Any introverts wondering how the extroverts are mastering their trade?

You are less likely to ‘lose it’ than your counterparts: It is common knowledge that every human being has some level of craziness- yes we do! Consider how most people behave when they get angry or offended, or when they are unable to deal with situations. You may find yourself doing things that though you aren’t proud of, may be unable to stop. Like dissing a superior, destroying property or deliberately hurting someone you love.

These are just human; but when you are a regularly day dreaming human, you are likely to imagine all the wonderfully hurtful things you could do to satisfy your inner beast and not actually do it. Remember, research has proven that the emotions we feel when we dream are real enough to make us feel real fulfillment (Jonathan Gottschall: The story telling animal). So go ahead and dream- its more than enough to save you embarrassment and destruction!

A great escape opportunity: Day dreaming is a great way to escape the pressures of everyday life. People with overwhelming responsibilities including mums, students and workers with many responsibilities need constant breaks to keep sanity. Where your responsibilities will not allow you to take a stroll, see a comedy or go to a bar, dream it away. A beautiful imagination does the trick! Do not stress yourself over what it is you are imagining. Get that well deserved break and then get back to work!

Travel- you get to experience things you may otherwise not: It is said that to not travel around the world is like reading the cover of a great book and never turning its pages. While a lot of people may be aware of the lessons and pleasures of travel, not many can afford it. Thanks to the art of day dreaming, you don’t have to be in a place to experience it. Remember the song “I got sunshine on a cloudy day”? Consider “I’ve got the whole world in my corner”; and that’s only a daydream away!

Day dreaming is a great stress reliever: And I boldly say this from experience. Though a daydream may not match up to the time and involvement that a party or a movie takes from you, the little break it offers is enough to revitalize you for the task ahead.

So there we have it. Daydreams are not as bad as they have been often represented.

In fact, it is beneficial to you in so many positive ways. Here is what I have to offer but I am sure you can find tons and tons of reasons why you are certainly missing out if you aren’t a day dreamer.