Renowned movie Welfare Officer and mother of young actress Clara Benson(Maame Serwaa), Mrs Rose Benson has called on her colleague welfare officers as a matter of urgency to adopt a new hygienic way of preparing food for the stars at location.
She talked about some personal hygiene on the kind of food they give to movie stars when on set and what to charge when contracted as a welfare officer.
According to Maa Rose, as she is affectionately called, keeping food clean and delicious when assigned on set will make the stars happy and always eat from your kitchen when they always meet you on set, she told
"As a welfare officer on set, you have to keep your food and other materials neat. Especially your bowls, napkins, spoons and also provide liquid soups. Don't just charge any amount because you badly need the contract. Because if you charge low, definitely your food's quality will be poor as well."
She has worked with so many productions as a welfare officer in charge of the food given to the movie stars when they go on set.