Entertainment of Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Source: ghpage.com

Fella Makafui honoured by law students for her philanthropic works

Fella Makafui Fella Makafui

Fella Makafui now always brings her A-game on when it comes to fashion and of course, she can now afford to look good always. The young YOLO actress owns a wine shop at the popular American House building inside East Legon, drives a V8 and other expensive cars.

She’s living the life, most young people would want to be living and she’s indeed an inspiration to some people out there.

Over the weekend the actress was honored by law students union of the Kings University College at their awards and dinner night for being a great actress and a philanthropist.

Fella Makafui went to the awards night, wearing a silver straight dress that fits on her body and traces out her shape in a way that warms the heart starring at her