Entrepreneur and TV pundit, Victoria Naashika Quaye, CEO of NaaviQ Company Limited, a water services provider has expressed her disgust the Chronicle Newspaper headline of June 18, 2019.
The newspaper headline "Nigerians At It Again" sought to suggest that Nigerians have been behind the numerous incidents of crime lately especially the kidnapping of a 4-year-old child.
Through a post on her social media account, Miss Naashika Quaye said: I'm very sad to see such a despicable Headline! Terrible Journalism! What is the aim of such headlines? Let's get this right, Crime has no Nationality, Gender or Colour! Let's deal with the issues and stop this inciting sensationalism.”
Reasons for her outburst are not exactly known but it is believed that this could be attributed to her part Nigerian parentage.
In another vein, the question lingers, “who wouldn’t be?” Especially when Ghana has a lot of positive, beautiful minded Nigerians making themselves and their nation proud.
Aside her numerous business interests in Ghana and mostly seen on our television screens, discussing entertainment as well as other social related matters, Miss Naashika Quaye was born to a Nigerian father and Ghanaian mother.