Entertainment of Sunday, 6 September 2020

Source: ghbase.com

By their suits, we shall know them – Sarkodie learns lesson from ‘fake’ UN award saga

Rapper Sarkodie holding his 'award' Rapper Sarkodie holding his 'award'

Sarkodie has painfully rebuked Dr Fordjour, the man who went about presenting unverifiable awards to celebrities and public officials with a disguised identity, for scamming him.

According to the rapper, his biggest lesson from the whole fake UN award saga is that ‘by their suits, they shall be known’.

In other words, Sarkodie is trying to imply that he wasn’t so alert enough to recognize the credibility of the man by his attire.

Sarkodie has been at the mercy of netizens who have trolled and criticized his indiscreation in going in a for an award without first verifying the legitimacy of the scheme and the personalities.

Dr Fordjour has taken cetre stage on social media for spearheading a team to present highly debatable and questionable awards to celebrities and public figures in the name of the UN and Kofi Annan Foundation.

Many have described him as the ‘Scammer of the year’ who has thorough a very cunning scheme appeared very credible to all the awardees, many who are regarded in high esteem by society.

See Sarkodie's tweet below: